Pst off about a review

Level 1
Nelson, New Zealand

Pst off about a review

Kia ora all you wonderful hosts that bother to look on here - I am so annoyed about a review and cant shake off the angst.  We have a 1960s home that is older and still in orignal state but it is clean and tidy, I had a couple (newly weds so why would you bring a bride to me instead of a hotel) and he said the cleanliness was not so good - farr out and complained about something else.  The freak emailed me like 25 times asking loads of questios which in the end I advised he went to our local tourism, BUT the night he turned up I had 13 emails in a row asking for directions ( I was fast asleep in bed), when I saw these in the morning I said "in NZ we are not always on laptops till midnight" hence why no answer.....anyway long story cut short theis couple were definately high maintenance and I cared for them in the best way possible and the jerks left a **bleep**ty review, which annoys me because i was rated at a 5 and am now 4.psst off

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

@Reni4 all your reviews are nice, there is no bad review