Do you allow guests to eat food in a private room? If so, do...
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Do you allow guests to eat food in a private room? If so, do you provide a table, or let them eat on the bed. New to Airbnb, ...
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Hello all........just wondering if anyone is being notified really late for a booking or inquiry. I had an inquiry come in at 9.30 tonight for tonight from someone already in my town, an it said it was sent 6 hrs earlier, should have gotten to me at 3.30. I sent a reply back to see if they were still interested an apologizing for being so late answering. This is the second time in the last few days my notification was hrs late getting to me, an I really hate that it's making me look bad on my timing replying back, I pride myself on answering questions or to send a Thank you instantly, ABnB is screwing me up.
OMGosh, I just got a text telling me I need to reply to my inquiry to stay in good standing.!! I replied before the text came in.
@Wende2 I've had my text notifcations stop working entirely before and it took Airbnb over a month to get them going again. Since then, it's been functional, but the other day I never got a notification of a request (luckily I happened to check my account 2 hours after the request had been sent) , yet I got notifications of the 2 messages my guest had sent in response to mine just an hour later.
And I have many times had a notification of a request or inquiry come to my phone at 3:30 AM from a guest in my same time zone who had sent it 6 hours earlier.
There seem to be a whole raft of glitches going on right now. Reviews not appearing when both parties have already submitted, missing payouts, and yesterday a host in Vietnam reported that he has been paid out 3 times for the same reservation and that other hosts in his region are experiencing the same. And other hosts have also been reporting not getting their notifications. Seems a right mess over there at Airbnb HQ.
Wow, the person that sent the inquiry was about 10 miles from me, it's a shame they can't just leave it alone, like the saying goes...if it ain't broke don't fix...I wish I'd happened to check my email this afternoon, may have been there.? I can't imagine being a guest an having the fee taken 3 times to pay the host, if that's how the 3 payments were made. Sounds like a huge headache headed their way. Glad you're back on tract.
@Wende2 That host who had been paid redundantly had no idea if the guest's account had been debited 3 times or whether it was just an Airbnb payout glitch. Every 2 days the amount appeared again as a payout.
A couple years ago they did overcharge my guest by double. But that was on the original booking charge. I happened to see that the reservation amount was twice what it should have been, and contacted Airbnb right away, who said it was a glitch they were having and that several (by that they probably meant thousands) of guests had been overcharged that day. As soon as I got off the phone with Airbnb, the guest messaged me to say she'd seen the charge and that maybe she'd misread my listing price. I assured her that wasn't the case, that I had just reported it and that she should as well. She did get refunded and I got the correct payout.
And that time I wasn't getting notifications at all- I missed a request before I realized it wasn't working, and even though I messaged the guest 25 hours after she had sent the request, apologizing and explaining, and she in fact went on to book, Airbnb lowered my response rate and wouldn't change it, even though it was due to their glitch, not my negligence 😞
Yep that's excatly what I'm thinking is going to happen, especially since they were kind enough to send me that text warning me about responding to the inquiry, which I had already done.
@Wende2 If you haven't already, you should at least report the issue you're having to Airbnb CS, so it's on record. Maybe that would prevent them from penalizing you if it comes to that. I never realized my notifications weren't working until after the guest's request had expired, so by that time, they'd already marked me down and said they couldn't change it.
Hi...yes I thought I'd better call an let them know, actually wanted to let them know it's cost me weekly bookings, the people are opening a restaurant near me, they need a place to stay while they revise the plans, could have been a really good booking/bookings for me.
@Wende2 My notifications stopped working recently and I realized it was because I hadn't updated my phone. The latest version of the Airbnb app is only fully functional on the latest OS if you have an iPhone.
That being said, it's happened in the past as well. For some hosts it works if you go into your settings, turn off notifications, then turn them back on. For me, I deleted the app, restarted my phone, then reinstalled the app. So you could try that if you haven't already.
Hi...Thanks I'll do that, I have seen where it's been auto updated, I don't have an iPhone, honestly don't care for it, used my daughters til I could upgrade. I'll see how it goes after reinstalling.
I’ve had issues with delayed requests to book and messages as well
@Suzanne302 I don't use the app at all, I'm set up to receive SMS notifications. So it's not just an app issue.
Hi....I have mine set for text messages, wondering now if the inquiry was on my laptop all the while, I use to check it frequently, then started using the phone messaging, I liked it better since I could answer straight away, no matter where I was. It really ticked me off that they sent a text warning me to reply, when I had already sent them my apologizes, that just really steamed me.