Dear Forum and Airbnb,
in the debate about lack of profile...
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Dear Forum and Airbnb,
in the debate about lack of profile picture, I would also like to express as a host (and traveler) m...
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I'm hosting in DK and there is now a limit on how many nights are allowed hosting. The limit is 70 days. I cannot find any information when this limit is reset, is it on the 1st of December or has it something to do with the tax year?
Also, does this limit also apply for renting out a room only for renting out the whole apartment?
Thanks in advance,
We are many hosts who would like an update from Airbnb on this topic. If we only can rent out 70 days in 2019 I already am above that with bookings for the rest of the year. So will I need to start cancelling bookings at some point???
Information, please, Airbnb!!!!!!!!
I don't think you can expect Airbnb to provide much information. Airbnb is very careful in telling us hosts that we are responsible for following local rules and regulations. Airbnb tries to accomodate, allowing for taxes to be added etc, but that's the extent of it.
There is a danish article here:, but they are very careful in stating that the article is not comprehensive.
Yes this would be a very good pice of info!
also, is not clear for me if the limit was 70 and some up to 100 days? why or in wich cases?
I think I ready only rooms rental will apply "moms" but now i heard also entire home will.
WE need this info to change our prices since people are booking now already for September and over!!!
As far as I understand you don't pay moms (VAT), but you have to pay taxes if you earn more than 28,000 DKK, but I might be wrong.
We're now in 2022 and this subject is still very valid. has no real information regarding the maximum of 70 days still, even less on what the consequences are of passing the 70 days. I am relatively new to hosting, having started last yeah, and I have found myself in the situation of learning about this rule after having past 70 days in one year, by quite a lot. Taxing aside, that is a different and much more published subject, but what are the consequences or presumed fines for hosting/renting out a property for more days?
I thought maybe some of you have found out some more information regarding this, perhaps the hard way?
So have you got any information to your question?
as i have learned is that people rent it ou more than 70 days in copemhagen( some do, not all)z. It seems that skat does not check up on ot as much as they have done. So it is a bit grey area and it comes down to if you have the guts to rent out much more:-).
Hej @David9221 🙂
Der er kommet meget specifikke regler på området - du kan læse mere om det på Skat - både i forhold til om du lejer et værelse eller en hel lejlighed ud via alm. gammeldags langtidsudlejning eller korttidsudlejning via en platform som ex. Airbnb. Jeg linker til en Bolius artikel hvor du kan læse lidt om det overordnet. De sidste 2 år har Airbnb bedt om lov til at give skat oplysninger om indtægt - det sker helt automatisk - man godkender med NemID og man får automatisk besked når det er tid. Så alt er sat i system.
Bedste hilsner Sandra
Today i have tried to ger an answer From air- bnb how to register my room as a private room with no limit, this option is not available in the app. I rent rooms out in a whole year property not a summerhouse - the rules for room’s and summerhouse are the same. But if I choose summerhouse they want the BBR nr - and it is not a summer house. So I am confused how to register my rooms right - for 30.000 kr without tax and no limit on days.
what do you guy’s do ?.
regards Jesper
Hej @Jesper37 🙂
Jeg skriver lige på dansk, da det er nemmere. Jeg startede helt tilbage i 2014 og det har helt sikkert ændret sig i forhold til hvordan man opretter en annonce, men der er ingen begrænsning på hvor meget man må udleje private værelser i eget hjem. De sidste 2 år har det været virkeligt nemt at indberette indtjening til skat. Man får helt automatisk en e-mail hvor man skal give Airbnb lov til at give oplysninger videre til skat - man bruger sit nemid til det. I år må man tjene 30.300 kr skattefrit ved værelsesudlejning i eget hjem hvis det er via bureau som ex. AIRBNB. Man må tjene mere hvis det er et sommerhus - så det er ikke helt det samme. Du må gerne tjene mere end de 30.300 selvfølgelig, men så skal der betales skat af det (dog max 50.000 ellers skal du moms registreres). Du opretter bare de annoncer for de værelser du vil - du skal ikke registere noget som helst (altså BBR nr.) og du får helt automatisk e-mails fra Airbnb når det er tid til at indberette til SKAT. De fortæller præcist hvad man skal gøre - så det er simpelthen så nemt 🙂
Jeg kan også anbefale at bruge en computer/ almindelig webbrowser når du skal oprette annoncerne. Appen mangler mange af de vigtige funktioner der er på Airbnb’s webbrowser nemlig 🙂
Bedste hilsner Sandra