Dear Forum and Airbnb,
in the debate about lack of profile...
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Dear Forum and Airbnb,
in the debate about lack of profile picture, I would also like to express as a host (and traveler) m...
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Greetings all ~
A question came up in one of the Facebook Airbnb groups I’m in and I didn’t know the answer.
Recently, folks noticed a very subtle difference in the wording of the How do Reviews Work page. They don’t believe it was like this before, though I couldn’t say.
Quoting part of a post:
”I noticed that the wording has changed .... "You have 14 days after checkout to write a review for a trip. Reviews will be posted once both the host and guest complete a review." .... It used to specifically say that a review would be posted after 14 days even if the other party had not reciprocated.”
So I had a quick look at what it told me at the end of a review I gave today:
Noticing it doesn’t say “or after 14 days” on the splash screen. Did it before?
The Facebook community are fairly confident this is different than it was before and has been changed very recently. If it is, then the consequences are significant for the review system.
Thoughts? Conspiracy theory or actual change?
Edit: holy crap, I just had a thought... is it possible they are implementing some, or part, of the changes recommended in this other post?? 😮 Doubtful... right?
@Rebecca181 @Susan17 They were really asking for it with that logo. Just as with many of their policies, they seem to be quite challenged in anticipating the possible consequences.
@ CC Admins...
Seriously, the censorship on this CC is beyond ridiculous. We're all adults here, and I very much doubt that anyone (except maybe Airbnb) was going to be too deeply offended by an amusing (but accurate) cartoon mock-up of the Airbnb logo!
It truly is no wonder that there's only a handful of regular posters on this forum, despite the fact that there are (allegedly) 678, 263 members. But then again, that's probably just how Airbnb likes it, isn't it?
@Susan17 Wow, amazing. I remember when a loose cannon host here who enjoyed provoking the community found out I'm a licensed psychotherapist. He then wrote an incredibly bizarre, amazingly long, dedicated post about me (someone he does not even know) in which he compared me to his ex-wife (who was a Psychologist also by trade); he said all kinds of publicly defamatory things about me and not only was the post not censored, it was featured in the 'Top Post' category - Until I finally wrote Lizzie about it to ask her why a post that so obviously and egregiously violated the community guidelines was not only not being moderated - but was being elevated in the CC for all to see.
And your image was censored. All I can say is "wow". Just wow.
@Rebecca181 Yes, I remember that well. The same poster was posting quite misogynistic comments about other female posters on several threads, none of which got censored.
And a couple of days ago, our new moderator Stephanie closed a thread that Olga started about male guests asking for prostitutes to be sent to their rooms. I guess that's not allowed to be talked about either.
@Sarah977 Yes, it really was concerning at the time, given that these forums are public and I work in a profession where reputation is everything. Had to even consult an attorney about it. Couldn't believe it at the time that his post was promoted here on the CC - when it should have been removed. Still find it hard to believe, actually.
Actually, I remember seeing that too, and being disgusted that it was allowed to stay up, especially in light of the ridiculously heavy-handed censorship that applies to even the most gentle swear words on here. If there's one thing more insidious than censorship, it's selective censorship. One rule for one, one rule for all.
How long was the defamatory post left up before eventually being removed?
@Susan17 It was left up for several days. When I saw it had been left up in the 'top post' category (it was featured as the #1 CC post, in fact) I decided it was time to confront the mods about it. Of course, given that I am licensed to assess and diagnose others, it would not be appropriate for me to share my insights regarding why the gentleman in question wrote such a post about someone he does not even know. But I imagine even a lay-person could figure it out, given his ex-wife's profession.
That's horrible, you must've been so upset. You're a better woman than I - if that were me, I'd have been spitting fire anywhere and everywhere I needed to, until the post (and poster) were removed and I got a public apology from Airbnb.
@Susan17 It was very upsetting indeed. And confusing. I had only recently been featured as 'Host of the Month', and the post was so obviously egregious. I didn't say anything for awhile because I was enjoying seeing him being taken to task by several amazing women on this forum - who, like Sarah notes in an earlier comment, also pointed out the clear misogynistic tone embedded in his personal and professional (!) attacks.
On the old groups, there was a poster who was a right nasty piece of work, and you could see the venom in every post he wrote, even though he often tried to dress it up as "humour". Horrible bloke, he was, and forever trying to provoke a reaction from people. He used to get right up my nose too but I pretty much ignored him because he wasn't worth the keystrokes.
I noticed one night that he was making little snide comments towards another host who sometimes also posts here in the CC (who shall remain nameless unless she reads this and chooses to out herself! 😉)
I was having a little chuckle to myself because the host in question is no pushover, and isn't afraid to say what she feels, so it was a safe bet she wasn't going to be intimidated by any of his nonsense. And true to form, within moments of him trying to rile her, she shot him down in flames with a very swift, very simple yet devastatingly effective "Oh do f*ck off, David!" ... Don't recall him bothering her too much after that 😉