Reviews of guests - details whwen we rate

Level 2
Santa Barbara, CA

Reviews of guests - details whwen we rate

When we are doing the review of our guests, we are asked to rate specific categories, as well, such as communication, following house rules.  However, when I receive a request from a guest, all i see if the written review by other hosts.  I know from doing my reviews, that some things, such as following house rules, are not always that great, but I haven't mentioned it in my review, but have rated the guest lower in that category.  I would like to see those specific areas on potential guests, but I haven't figured out how to see anything but the written review.

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Boise, ID

You can only see the review I believe.  I suppose that airbnb uses the stars/thumbs up/down potentially but I don't know how.

Level 10
Amsterdam, Netherlands


I wish Airbnb would show those. Thanks for the reminder, will post it on the Host Voice page as suggestion!


A tip I took from some extremely experienced hosts but haven't used myself yet is writing the rating into the review:

It takes balls but why not!

"Soandso was very friendly and open blablabla. 4 stars Cleanliness; 3 stars following house rules; 5 stars Communication;........; 3 stars Overall experience"

Great idea, if everyone did that, we would know the minuses!!