Should I cancel or just close off room?

Level 2
United States

Should I cancel or just close off room?

I have a 4/3 that I host and I found out from the previous guest that the Master shower is sprinkling water down out of the downstairs bathroom's vent. There was someone getting ready down there and saw the water on the floor this is how we found out. I have a reservation in 2 days. Should I cancel and but I would have the penalty of $100? Tell the guest and let them decide if they want to cancel or just use the shower in the other two bathrooms and block off that shower completely? or Block off the Master and advertise it as a 3/2 with a discount for this guest? I need advice asap. Thank you in advance2016-04-12 18.32.12.jpg

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

Hello @Marci7 ,

I would inform the guest and if possible make another deal, depending on guests's wishes/comments.

On the other hand, i saw your listing and first review, it gives me an overall impression the house is not ready for "doing Airbnb". Allways be aware of safety issues, so better close the Master bathroom. Best regards, Emiel

We stayed in the home briefly on travel but never one person upstairs and another downstairs at the same time (such a unique combination that has to happen in order to catch it. Also this is an issue that never arose with the last 1-yr tenants or at least they never made known to me and one person actually stayed in the room down there so you would think....

However, given the size of the home, the price and the cleanliness from the photos (she was a scammer from the beginning, even my daughter thought it was odd how she kept asking if I was going to be in town, I would say yes even though I knew I was leaving, but for both A/C units to go was very odd especially since it was running well to the point were we were freezing the next morning. smh) would you think this is a bargain (look for a second opinion). Should I close the Master bedroom all together or just the master bathroom (pic attached) or just the shower access (or is that tacky ; ( ...  ). I called Airbnb and will message the guest now?

Level 10
Florence, OR

@Marci7 Do not cancel - call Airbnb ASAP and explain the situation. Make sure you get an experienced person, if not ask to speak to a case manager. Your situation may fall under Airbnb's 'extenuating circumstances' clause, or Airbnb may actually call your scheduled guests to see if closing off that room would impact their stay negatively. It may be that you offer the guests a small refund to count for that unavailable room. But whatever you do, do not cancel on your own because it will affect your search ranking and stats, especially down the road if you want to be a super host. Best of luck!