Single male guests invite female unregistered guests without informing.

Level 3
Upper Burnie, Australia

Single male guests invite female unregistered guests without informing.

I am still quite new to hosting but so far have had 2 similar incidents. 

1st male guest booked for 1 guest for a night went out for dinner and came home with another female without asking for permission or informing us. And later on left us a bad review for communication and value. We have had 5 stars review i’d say we are amazing hosts trying to accomodate everything we can and our communication is perfect. Also, we are one of the cheapest in town as we are new and would like to get most guests and review before putting our price to normal range so what bad value hes talking about.  So i was kind of angry but nothing i can do as he doesnt reply msgs so no point asking his reasons behind. 


2nd single male guests booked for 4 nights for 1 guest. Again, suddenly bring home another girl without asking or informing. I have no control over watever they do in the room, but they have no respect at all they were kissing like theres no tmr in our lounge for more than half an hour. I was in the kitchen cooking and i can see. They just dont give a d*mn do they? No respect at all! 

As im new to hosting i didnt know what to do. The male guest had 5 stars review from other hosts. Is it my problem? Is it a cultural difference thing? 

Also, i provide one towel for every guests staying. This male guest, decided to take towels from the bathroom thou i did not tell him he can take it there and he didnt ask for permission. He used a total 3 towels for 4 nights stay. And he took towels that may be reserved for next guests or it may even be our own personal towel. He just took 3 and use them without asking. I feel this guy has no respect for people’s house. 


I personally use airbnb as a guest myself. I know they paid to rent the room or even the whole property. Still, we are not hotels! There are differences between airbnb and hotels. 

I personally feel that guests need to respect our home! I have never even thought of doing ‘things’ with my partner in another hosts house because RESPECT! That is what i feel. 


I need some advice for future references please. 

25 Replies 25

@Ee-Von0 I had the same thing happen to me when I first started hosting which was so annoying. I changed my house rules & have one that states "No outside guests, only those named on the booking are allowed on the premises". I send my house rules to guests when they book so they can't say that they haven't seen them. They are also on the first page of my house manual, before the wi-fi password so they have to read them again. It has stopped guests bringing anyone back who aren't booked to stay.


Make sure that you review the guests properly, they have broken airbnb T&C's and shown you disrespect by bringing back people who are not guests (especially without asking you). As a host, I would want to know about this type of behaviour & would think twice about accepting a reservation from them.


And is there anywhere you can store spare towels that guests can't access easily? Or putting a lock on the cupboard so guests can't help themselves? That guest seemed to expect hotel service in an airbnb, which is a bit ridiculous!

Level 3
Upper Burnie, Australia

Thanks for the idea! Definitely will do it! Because i dont think i can tolerate anymore people like this. 

No, they expect more than hotel services Hotels do not let u take however much towels you want. 🤣

thanks again for the advice! 

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Unfortunately sometimes when you set a cheap price you attract cheap guests @Ee-Von0 .


Put your prices up so they are comparable with similar properties. Have it in your house rules that only those who have booked and paid can be on your property.


When you are showing a guest around confirm that guests are not allowed to invite visitors back. And that if they do so, you may need to ask Airbnb to cancel their booking and for them to leave.


In your situation I would have pulled the paying guest aside and reminded them that they shouldn't be inviting strangers onto your property as it presents a security risk for you and that if they want to stay the night with their guest they should go to her place. I certainly wouldn't have let them make me feel uncomfortable in my own home.

Level 3
Upper Burnie, Australia

Thanks! Exactly they made me uncomfortable in my own house. Was so angry. 

I will put that note clearly now on my listing! 


Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Please leave an honest review to warn future hosts and remind your guests in person as well as having it in your house rules.


I am sure you will get better guests going forward.

Level 10
Kendal, United Kingdom


"No outside guests, only those named on the booking are allowed on the premises"


I do this by using the airbnb "invite guests to join reservation" it is pretty low tech and guests can't even manage this simple request and they send the names of guests instead. I was wondering is this the process you use?


cc. @Ee-Von0 

@Ian-And-Anne-Marie0 I've given up on the "invite guests to join reservation" as guests don't know how to use it. I have another house rule that I must know the full name of all guests (I only host 2 max). If the guest booking doesn't give me the information in the initial booking message then I remind them of the house rules & that I need to know the names of who is staying as they are sharing an apartment with me.

No im not using the ‘ invite guests to join reservation’.

i always make sure the guest tell me whos coming. I dont ask for full names and all but i want to know how many people coming and who is that person. 


Level 10
Albany, Australia

@Ee-Von0, guests should NEVER bring unauthorised people to your home without them being on the booking. I hope you gave them both the thumbs down and in future set some stronger boundaries with your guests.

Level 3
Upper Burnie, Australia

Yes, i have learned my lesson now! 

No more means no more. 

Level 10
Grande Prairie, Canada

Some people are absolutely primitive.

I start to have some regrets to hosting males ( in special).... 

Level 3
Upper Burnie, Australia

Some people just dont have the common sense. 

How sad. 

Level 6
Kingston, Jamaica

The man need some delicious stuff from the promise land.  Lol. Fun and joke aside, I think there should be some rules or policy that guides against extra guest. My self is having one hell of a problem dealing with sneak  inns.  People book for one and ended up with 5. This is not right!!

Level 3
Upper Burnie, Australia

Thats just not right! No respect at all for us hosts at all!