Stained Rug Damages

Level 1
Alameda, CA

Stained Rug Damages



I have a new $200 rug in my Air Bnb. Upon departure, a guest contacted me saying the she spilled coffee on the rug. She asked if I had a cleaning supply that she could use to try and clean it with. I told her that I would assess it when she checked out (30mins later). The rug is stained. I've tried everything. Should I take a small amount out of her deposit to help cover the cost of a new rug? I feel bad doing that, but I also feel bad about having to replace a new rug. Should I just eat the cost? 



2 Replies 2
Level 2
United States

That's ridiculous, you should not eat the cost. You have to buy a whole new rug! If you have genuinely tried your best to find another solution, i.e. cleaning it yourself, and it did not work, and it's a large enough stain to not be missed, then that's what the deposit is for. Good luck!

Level 10
Vancouver, WA

I would hire a professional to come in and clean it and use the invoice as evidence to ask for the cost of the cleaning.  Just because YOU can't get the stain out, doesn't mean a professional can't and may cost less than buying a new rug.