Superhost Status

Level 2
Brighton, United Kingdom

Superhost Status

Dear Airbnb Hosts,


I am sorry if my question is answered elsewhere, but I could not find a specific answer to my problem/query:


According to my 'stats' section I have met all the criteria for Superhost Status, sometimes exceeding it by many percentage points, and yet this month, again, Airbnb is telling me I have not met the criteria!!!


This is all very disappointing, particularly when I have no idea how to change the situation.


Can anyone advise? Has anyone else had this problem?


Thanks and all the best,





15 Replies 15
Level 10
Kraków, Poland

Hello @Kennedy0 Have you checked the Standard tab? Is there anything reddish/orange?

// "The only person you can trust is yourself"
Level 2
Brighton, United Kingdom

Hello Marzena!


Thanks for taking the time to read and reply!


No, I don't have any reddish entries.


I have attached a screen shot of the stats section.


If you have any suggestions I'd be very grateful to hear.


Thanks again


KennedyScreen Shot 2017-10-14 at 09.23.26.png

@Kennedy0, did you have any cancellations at all - not that showed up on your profile, but that were made for any reason? I ask, because over a year ago I had to cancel for a flash flood. I was not penalized in any other way, no "this host has cancelled" appeared on my profile, and I still showed 100% commitment, but I did lose superhost status for that quarter. 

Just a thought.

Level 2
Brighton, United Kingdom

Hi Lawrence!


Thanks for your reply.


Shortly after I started hosting with Airbnb I felt I had to cancel a booking because the potential guest was making me feel very uncomfortable by their correspondence. I didn't have the experience I have now, and perhaps now would 'just go with it' even though I am still happy with the decision I made at the time.


Of course I didn't realise then how much  I would be penalised for that choice!


It is now well over a year since that event, and the Airbnb stats suggest that it should not have any bearing anymore. But, maybe it does?! If so, Airbnb should do the right thing and let hosts know that!!





Level 2
Brighton, United Kingdom

ps. I only just realised your name is Lawrene. My eyes aren't so good! Sorry!

If it was over a year ago, it shouldn't make any difference, @Kennedy0. My sentence lasted only the quarter. I do wonder whether something like that gets stuck in the system and keeps showing up. If you are worried about it (I wasn't, but I can see where after a year you would be), you could DM (direct message) AirbnbHelp on Twitter and ask someone to look into it. Attach the screenshot. If you don't have Twitter, I can tell you it's free and it's worth it even for other issues that may arise in future. 

Do keep in mind, though, that with it being the 14th, there will be a crowd of hosts demanding to know why they didn't get superhost status. How patient are you? 🙂

(Don't worry about the name - it's an optical illusion, for sure!)

Level 2
Brighton, United Kingdom

Hi Lawrene!


Thanks very much for your suggestions. I'll look into the Twitter option I think.


Thanks for taking the time to respond!



Level 6
Pittsburgh, PA

Same has happened to me.  



Level 2
Brighton, United Kingdom

Dear Nina,


Sorry to hear you've had the same problem!


Marzena, any thoughts?






I received an email "congrats" that I had achieved SH status, but it's not showing up in stats/standards either. 


Airbnb told me that there's quite a back log and our profiles would be updated in a few days.  If you didn't get the congrats email but do meet the requirements,  perhaps they're behind with that as well. 

Level 2
Brighton, United Kingdom

Hi Melissa!


Thanks for taking the time to reply!


Your info' certainly does help 'fill in' the bigger picture. Thank you!



Level 10
Florence, Canada

@Kennedy0@Melissa308@Nina204, I see badges on all your accounts. (Congratulations!) Just wanted to follow up for January 14, when the topic will become hot again and this post will recycle. Answer: It takes a few days. 🙂

Level 2
Brighton, United Kingdom

Hello Everyone!


Yes, finally it came through.! Great!


I thought in this great age of instant communication and algorithm management that it would all happen instantly!...Silly me!


But, I do want to say  thank you all for your advice and encouragement.


If you ever come to Brighton, UK please shout!


Good luck!



Level 9
Montevallo, AL

I also met all the criteria for superhost status but didn’t get it.  I asked the reason but haven’t gotten any reply.  I have never cancelled a reservation but I have refused to book from an inquiry.  Several bookings were cancelled by the guest.  One guest had to cancel and would not have gotten a refund but I requested he get a full refund because he booked and cancelled on the same day.  

So...what am I missing?  I’ve only been hosting since the end of July.  Do you have to host for more than one quarter to qualify?