Tried to enter wrong house at 2am

Level 2
Grass Valley, CA

Tried to enter wrong house at 2am

I had a guest book for one adult and a dog.  She asked for a late check in which  I agreed to but I didn't clarify the time.  She arrived with 2-3 other people and 2 vehicles at 2a.m.  They blocked the driveway parking outside my bedroom door which woke me up to hear them trying to enter my home instead of the cabin next door they had booked. Even though I left lights on in the cabin and my home was completely dark.  When I went outside  another woman shouted from below "Whats the password?"  I didn't see them yesterday but they came back at 2am.  They were quiet but the lights woke me up.  I honestly don't understand how they got the wrong house.  I thought it was pretty clear on the listing.  I know I need to ask what time they're arriving in future.

9 Replies 9
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

You also need to ask the guest pay for the two unauthorised guests she brought into your cabin and point out that she did this in your review @Maria3538 

I don't charge per person so that makes no difference.  I think its rude to not be up front about who's staying.

@Maria3538  Your "host guarantee" is effectively null and void when unregistered guests are on the property. Even if you don't intend to charge for extra people, you need to make sure the total number is counted in the booking.


And you're right, it's also up to you to make sure the arrival time is communicated clearly. Fortunately the wrong house that they attempted to enter was yours and not someone else's...

Thanks Andrew. I rang CS at Airbnb right away and they didn't tell me that the host gaurantee would be null and void.  Customer service has let me down a couple of times and I only just started with Airbnb. Maybe it's time to try another platform.

Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@Maria3538   What a lovely space and location you have!  Your style of hosting is positively reviewed by your guests as well as your space.  Many hosts, myself included, do gather the names of all who are staying in our listing as a matter of course.  Should something untoward happen, it is helpful to know who is a registered guest.  


Perhaps a little sign on your personal door could redirect anyone to the proper building if needed.  Arriving at 2 AM is a clear indicator that the guests might be a bit tired, right?  


ps your home is beautiful!

Level 2
Grass Valley, CA

Thank you for your thoughtful reply.  I love my property and I put a lot of effort into the cabin because I love to share the healing of the forest around me and want to make my guest's feel special and assure they have everything they need to have a relaxing stay.

A sign is a great idea.  I'm so new at this, I have a lot to learn.  I was most upset to be woken in the middle of the night!  But I totally should have had more communication with my guest and I will in future.

They did not seem tired,  Linda and they have come back every night at 2 AM.  The best thing about Airbnb is they only stay a short time and for the most part I have had lovely guest's.

Level 3
Columbia Heights, MN

I've had guests who walked into my neighbor's house despite providing detailed instructions including the color of the wooden stairs. I've also had people attempt to gain entry into my house (I live downstairs) and have contacted me to say the code doesn't work. Most guests are fine, however I find the lower your rates the lower the quality of guest. My most recent guests trashed the place, left the door wide open when they left and haven't paid ABB so I have not been paid. Also FYI - I saw on another thread (which I wasn't aware) don't agree to bookings longer than 30 days, residency rules in your city can go into effect. I've been doing this for three years and I'm going to be researching if other sites are a better option. There doesn't appear to be any vetting of guests so you're totally at the mercy of the guest being a decent person.

Wow that sucks that your place was trashed and no payment!  I don't do longer stays because of my concern that people may squat.  I did once offer 30 day stays and had a woman tell me she was leaving her abusive husband with her 2 young children, she was sick of all the drugs, could she come stay?  I said NO right away and advised her to get help, then changed that setting.  

I have only been doing this for 3 months and it seems like there's a lot to learn and I don't really know what I need to know! 🙂