Verified guest sends inquiry, gets special offer, then blocks my calendar through unverified guest

Level 7
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Verified guest sends inquiry, gets special offer, then blocks my calendar through unverified guest

Hello everyone,

I have searched for cases similar to mine but haven't found any.

So here's my problem. I had yesterday a verified guest (with 2 reviews) sending me an inquiry for a discount for certain dates.

I sent her a special offer, she came back to me a few hours later, without a decision, talking for nothing. Then shortly after, I realized that my place was blocked for 12h for pending verification on the same exact dates. I opened the profile and discovered a newly registered unverified female guest from the same city, who had tried to book without texting me anything. I texted her, no answer.

I texted the initial verified guest, to inform her that my property was blocked by somebody else, beyond my control.

I already suspected that it came from her group, but didn't mention it.

Indeed I was right, because she came back again later, admitting that she had asked her friend to book, to do the "balance stuff" (that doesn't mean anything), that she was new, beginner, blablabla ...

Of course nothing happened during the 12h. No sign from that unverified guest.

I texted the verified guest, no answer either.

So I'm tempted to report this guest to Airbnb, because I find her practice and behaviour totally unacceptable, and I think she deserves to be kicked out.

What do you hosts think about that?

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Moriches, NY

When you deny her request it will ask you for a reason - choose the appropriate one.


Also, flag her account (look for the little red flag) and it will again ask you for a reason in which you will again choose the appropriate reason.


Good luck.