What if my guest refuses to leave?

What if my guest refuses to leave?

Hello, I am considering hosting in Mexico, but tenant laws are protective of guests. I've had renters overstay without paying many times. How is renting through AirB&B different? What protection do we have against people refusing to vacate a home?




5 Replies 5

I am thinking, if they cancel the credit card on file, of course...

Level 10
Vancouver, WA

Renting through Airbnb is really no different. They're not going to send a representative out of your house to remove someone. You would have to use the same methods you would use with any other booking site (contacting police, etc)

Yes, getting them physically to leave will still be your problem. But I did notice in reading the new ToS today that there is contained there a provision that specifies the fee due to a host for a guest that overstays. 

Hi, could you help me sending a link to it!? Thanks!

Level 10
Seattle, WA

Very intelligent question to pose and one all hosts should contemplate.

Unfortunately, the anwser is

"Airbnb can't do anything special for you. You are on your own."

If you are renting in a foreign country (or even a different city), you need to know the laws and standards of that area.

You probably need a presence or an agent to act on your behalf. 

The police may or may not help you.

That said, Airbnb have called late stayers for me and argued that they should leave.

They also can charge their card, if still current.

They can deny these grests future Airbnb service.

But that is about all Airbnb can do 

Right now, we are lucky using Airbnb. We are in the Sweet Spot, where not that many scammers have figured out how to abuse us yet.