Why does Airbnb ask "Who can see and book your listing" if there is only one option?

Level 2
Chicago, IL

Why does Airbnb ask "Who can see and book your listing" if there is only one option?

Under Listing Details > Listing Status, there is a question "Who can see and book your listing" and there is only one option ("Everyone").  What is the purpose of having this?

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Florence, Canada

It is merely poor design, @Joe73. You will run into a few more examples. Or perhaps it is cutting edge, a placeholder for the day when the options will be 1) Everyone 2) Earthlings only, and 3) Earthlings, and only those Martians and Plutonians with Airbnb accounts. 

would be a good idea to ristrict view to my listing in some coutries, or r only allow verified AIRBNB users to view my listings instead of everyone.