Will Guest's negative review show up if I don't post mine?

Will Guest's negative review show up if I don't post mine?

Hi Everyone, super long story short...I had a guest last week who tried to blackmail me for a refund claiming the heat didnt' work. Where she screwed up here is I have a Nest and can see she had the heat cranked all night at 80...in PHOENIX. My home doesnt' get cold enough at night for the heat to ever kick on all winter! She asked AirBnB for a refund, and I refused and provided them the screenshots of the Nest app showing how long the heat was on.


The guest has left a review, which I'm positive is going to be bad because of my refusal to pay her anything. Will her negative review post to my listing regardless whether or not I review her, or do I need to post a review in order for hers to show up. I'm still pretty new here, dn this is the first crazy one I've had to deal with. Any insight would be helpful. Thanks!



2 Replies 2
Level 10
Lincoln, Canada

@Amazon-Properties0 Yes, it will be published after 14 days if you don't review your guest. If you do review your guest, it will be published as soon as you submit your review.


If you can show that the review she leaves you contains untrue information or was a revenge review, you can ask Airbnb to remove it. You can also write a response to her review, which can help address the concerns. Just remember that if you do respond, your response is for the benefit of future guests: keep it short and professional.

Level 10
Limerick, Ireland

Hello @Amazon-Properties0,


Reviews show on the respective profiles as soon as both sides have written one. If only side leaves a review it will show on the other's profile after 14 days. The other side cannot then leave a review.


Please always leave a review so other hosts can get an honest idea of your experience with the guests.


You always have the opportunity to leave a response to a review. That response isn't posted on the guest's profile. It's meant to provide an opportunity for the host to explain the circumstances to other prospective guests reading the host's profile. For that reason it's best to leave a short unemotional and bare facts response as an advertisement to prospective guests showing how you handled the situation.

If a host leaves a defensive, accusatory or combative response it risks turning prospective guests off staying.

