
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

guest reviews

Level 1
Sarasota, FL

guest reviews

Hi, So what do I do when I hosted someone that I consider not a good guest? He was messy, drank way too much and brought his son without letting me know ahead of time, then left him with me almost like an assumption of baby sitting? Should I write an honest review for him to see? 

24 Replies 24
Level 10
Kraków, Poland



absolutely, you don't want this person inflicted on another host do you?




Explorers club krakow III

Explorer's Club Krakow VIII


You're right, however he has a couple of other reviews that say he has been a good guest? But I have subsequently realized that he spilled an entire bottle of cream and cleaned it up with a bathroom facecloth and left it wet in the kitchen sink, but no note saying so! Did I mention he drank a bottle of my house champaigne before I got home from work, without asking! But announced it when I arrived home he said he couldn't find my cork screw so helped himself to the bubbly! Should I tell all or just say he was not a good guest, and leave it at that?



You could simple say

"Joe Bloggs is a cowboy and my home was his range"

although this might mean the same thing in every jurisdiction.


In Ireland, a cowboy is a pejorative term for somebody who does what they like and doesn’t think rules apply to them. Hence the term “Cowboy Builder”




The Explorer's Club Krakow III

The Explorer's Club Krakow VIII



You need to leave an honest review, however, you should leave out the details and simply say something like, "{guest name} is more suited for a hotel than an Airbnb. He failed to follow our house rules and brought another guest with him without notice."


After you write the guest review and submit it, the next box asks if you want to tell Airbnb anything. This is the box to complete with all the details so thre will be a record of the incidents should he complain about your review.


The problems is, if you put the details into the guest's review and the guest calls Airbnb and refutes them then Airbnb will simply remove the review. They do it all the time. Something short, sweet and professional is hard to refute, but still warns other hosts.

Level 1
London, United Kingdom

I'm thiking of just moving to At least there is someone to speak to when things go wrong

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Hi Em, Firstly you write a correct review to alert others without being too specific, something along the lines of....."This guests unfamiliarity with the concept of home hosting made him difficult to host. I wish him well, but would in futute decline an invitation to host him again!"

That says it all Em, there is no need to be more specific than that, and there are no grounds there for Airbnb to remove that review if he should object.

In all probability he will not leave you a review! People like this do not have a lot of respect for the review system, and if he got his way as far as the way he treated the accommodation and you then he possibly has nothing to really complain about that warrants the time involved in writing a review....If he writes a review at all it is highly unlikely he will write you a good review so you can just say....."I did not find this to be one of my better hosting experiences, I value guests feedback and will take on board what this guest has mentioned but I would not really wish to make any further comment beyond that"! 

By doing this Em you are not getting into a vebal fist fight with the guest, you have not accused him of being anything other than a pain in the a*se....but the main thing is you are not drawing attention to what could possibly be a less than flattering review so it will slip into obscurity in no time...people just won't take any notice of it like they would if you had a major 'he said/she said' stouch over this hosting. Allways remain dignified and don't give the guest anything to resent about you!


Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hi @Em10


Hopefully something like this doesn't happen again, but if it does;


1. Go into the booking and add in the extra guest and ask your guest to accept this on check in


2. If someone takes something in your home like alcohol, then charge them for it and remind them this is not acceptable


3. If a guest leaves a child in the house and goes out, call them and tell them to come back immediately and collect them. If they don't I would have cancelled their booking with Airbnb


Of course leave an honest review.

Level 2
Las Vegas, NV

How do I do a change of linens on a long 20 day booking?

I would just offer to do it, say would you mind if I changed the linens, or would you like me to change them? 

When we have long stays, we just leave clean linen in the cupboard for guest to change.

No one has objected to that and I don't want to intrude on guests privacy.

I do the same. Or offer aditional cleaning lady visit if they ask (for additional charge).

Level 2
Lascassas, TN

Always give honest feedback and ratings!!!


Level 2
Fort Worth, TX

Please do leave a precise review. I read reviews before I allow someone on my property and I would appreciate knowing what truthfully happened. Be specific. Whether it is a host or a guest this community is peer based.

I can relate to this debacle because I had never hosted anyone that I considered to be less than 4.5 star GUEST until my most recent one.  Wow, it was really disappointing to have my home treated like a Motel 6 (in the USA this is a very cheap hotel with a sleazy reputation).  The guest did not follow through on any of the plans that he voluntarily provided at the time of booking and he and his "wife" (unquestionably an escort) exploited our generosity (not only eating and drinking all of our complimentary offerings, but actually taking unopened, unused items when they left).  They left their private bedroom and bathroom in what I consider to be deplorable conditions. I felt violated and disgusted and would NEVER welcome this guest back to my home.  I did not anticipate a review from the guest and while I had never neglected to leave thoughtful feedback for a guest, I had nothing nice to say.  I ultimately opted to leave no review and to my surprise, the guest left a fully 5 star favorable one.  Did I feel a bit guilty for not reciprocating or even responding to the review?  Absolutely not.  While I was delighted to get the review I earned, I think that actions speak louder than words.  I have a hunch that my silence spoke volumes to this guest and I did use the option to privately tell Airbnb that I would not recommend this guest.  Too bad they don't seem to care, which is why I'll be leaving this platform after my 2 current bookings are fulfilled.