guest who purposely bring more onto property then reserved for?

guest who purposely bring more onto property then reserved for?

I had a guest [name hidden] who stayed at my home longer than the check out date that it says [name hidden] checked out by.  She was to check out on a Wednesday but instead checked out on Friday morning around 4:30am.  When you speak with this guest she is very personable and very articulate with great stories.  So you can not help but enjoy speaking with her... then you accidentally find out how many people and animals are really at your home.

How does a host add the extra days she stayed especially if the reservation has already happened?  And Airbnb has already paid for that reservation?

So (#1)  - She remained at my home past her check-out date.  

Does Airbnb have a way to charge the guest for the extended days she remained at the home?  

Also (#2) - On the reservation this guest reserved the home for "2 dogs" and "2 people"  in reality this guest had placed around 76 dogs inside my home not including little puppies;  on my reservation profile it clearly states that the first dog is free but the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, ...etc...  is a $25.00 charge.  

What does Airbnb do in a case like this?  

How does Airbnb add the dog fee?

Also (#3)  because of the animals this guest had to hire workers to help her with transporting dogs; feeding; etc... so this guest hired workers/employee's;  took the hinges off my door and broke into my private (no guest usage written in the profile owners garage and owners closet)  the employees stole items from inside  the owners garage and owners closet.

How does Airbnb protect the host and help get back  the stolen items or help to reimburse for the stolen items?

(#4)  What and How does Airbnb go about to help the host when there is damage this guest has caused?

 Between the animals and workers they backed right into my garage door; the dogs   had pretty much they had free range of the inside and outside of my home  running around and jumping  up on my couches; chairs;throw rugs;  eating walls; furniture,  the dogs were shedding, peeing, pooing and some where in heat which ended up getting all over my furniture and carpet and throw carpet, the tile on the inside of my home and on the outside of my home.  

What or how does Airbnb have to help the host to get my home free from the smell, clogged pipes, clogged filter on the a/c; my washing machine had hair stuck to the inside of it is there any help from Airbnb for all the damage these dogs have and are costing me to get my home back up to par. Although because of the blood and urine I do not think my upholstered living room couch and chairs and wool throw carpet can be saved. My leather couches have claw marks and bites; my walls have bite marks from the dogs.

I have cords chewed; etc.

The guest claimed she was renting my home with only two dogs and two people.  

She had an RV up at my home; she stayed longer (past) her check-out date.  

I am trying to get home home free from the smells;damage; etc.  

How does Airbnb go about to charge this guest for all the damage she has caused?

How does Airbnb cover the host for opening up her home with open arms only to have  damage this person has caused costing more then that of the current reservation ?



I am totally  beside myself.




*[Personal information removed for safety and privacy reasons – inline with the Community Center Guidelines]

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Kendal, United Kingdom

Wow @Ricky-B-Crouse0 that sounds like a disaster movie!


76 dogs?!


Airbnb rules are that you can charge late check outs at up to 2.5 times your nightly rate for each day or part of. Start there. Plus $25 times the 75 extra dogs (if thats how your listing is described). Plus all the cost of the items stolen and the damage made. Be aware that Airbnb do not cover damage by pets, but here on this forum it has just been said that dog damage to a rug is being considered for payment by way of submittance of a cleaning receipt so you may be successful in a claim for damage with this precedent:


You will need as much evidence to back up your claim as possible. Message Airbnb your problem to get it registered and request how they would like you to deal with this.


I would be inclined to get the police involved with an event like this.


Good luck.