how to set prices pero month

Level 1
New York, NY

how to set prices pero month

how to set prices per month


how can i set the calendar to start in 5 months from now

3 Replies 3
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Can you be a little more specific? 


First, set your base rate -- your monthly price -- under Pricing. If you want to set a price for someone staying a whole month, you can do it under Pricing, Long-term prices. It takes your base rate and discounts it by a certain amount.



Screen Shot 2016-01-16 at 9.29.15 AM.png



To set prices for future months, go to your calendar. 


Make sure you have run through your availability settings on the top right of the calendar page, especially "How far ahead can guests book."


(See below)


Screen Shot 2016-01-16 at 9.31.24 AM.png


If you don't want any bookings until five months from now, block off your calendar until then.


Does this help?

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Lisa7,


Lovely to meet you, I just wanted to say - great response to @Melcina0's question and a fantastic use of screenshots. Thanks so much. 🙂


Top tip: if you are responding to someone, if you add @name then they will receive an email notification of your response. 


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Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Great, thanks @Lizzie. Good tip. I just noticed my notification emails went to spam 😞 but I fixed that.