@Ute42 really got me thinking when she mentioned a book call...
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@Ute42 really got me thinking when she mentioned a book called The Culting of Brands. The author, Douglas Atkin, was once th...
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July 8, 2018
For many reasons, I believe my most recent guest is a prostitute. She says she's 18; lives 20 minutes from me; paid more than $600 for a six night reservation (what 18-year old can/would do this?); watched tv during the day; had late evening guests who stayed less than 2 hours; showered before and after guest visits (I hear the shower from upstairs in the house); her messages convey the mindset of someone more mature than her years or appearance. Describes in her profile her love for solitude and in her messages that she and her "friends" are quiet when they're together. She never could say whether a "friend" would stay over night or visit and leave. Yikes! It makes sense! I'm sick!
Should I write a review for her? She communicated well, was quiet and left the apartment neat. In theory, she'd get a 5-star rating. If I write a review, she will be able to instant book with other hosts. This is a problem with instant book. Would asking for a copy of a government issued ID with photo for every guest solve this problem? I welcome feedback!
5-star Superhost of 3 years
@Suzy28Wow, that is awkward. It does sound like she may be engaged in prostitution. I understand why you wouldn't want that in your home, and I suspect that quite a few hosts woudn't want it either. The fact that she's local is a definite red flag.
I would at least downvote the guest on following house rules, as your listing specifies no unregistered visitors for any amount of time. You could say something like:
"(Guest name) was quiet and left the apartment in good shape. However, she had series of guests visiting her each evening, which is against my house rules. For that reason, I can't recommend her to other hosts. She may be more suited to a hotel environment."
Alexandra's review is spot on. Factual, helpful and not judgemental.
Out of curiostiy, did she have other reviews? Or do do you think she uses anew account everytime she gets a review like this?
Hi @Suzy28, just curious, if she's such a good guest, why do you care? And if she's paying YOU $100 per day and committing to 6 days, if she's ACTUALLY doing this, she's charging a LOT more, so her clientelle is probably going to be on the higher end as well.
I have friends come over in the evening, stay a few hours for a visit, and leave (no, I don't shower right before and after unless someone has hugged me who has been wearing cologne/perfume!).
Sounds like you might have a pretty good gig going on there!
What are you worried about? Is this just about personal ethics? Afraid we're all going to start calling you Madam Suzy? ;-))))
@Suzy28. I completely agree with @Kimberly.! Maybe she does Tarot cards or something, or is going through a problem or maybe she sleeps with people. You can’t get involved in peoples’ PErsonal Lives. Doesn’t matter.
I hate to break it to you, but if you're an ABB host who knows a guest is using your property for prostitution.... your liability for criminal prosecution or worse, is very high. (Think: civil forfeiture).
But how would she KNOW? Just her post here proves that she doesn't know. She could easily show this whole thread to an attorney/judge. She has a suspicion, but no proof, and hasn't even asked the guest. It could easily be tarot reading as mentioned above, or personal coaching, or therapy, or any number of things. She's not liable for anything, because she doesn't know anything.
We are currently having a somewhat similar issue and here is how we handled it. A young woman instant booked with us yesterday. I reached out to her to learn a little about herself, purpose of the visit, interests, asked for confirmation that she was the only guest, and if there any special requests so we could best prepare for her visit. This procedure has helped us previously determine if a guest may not be a good fit for our home and/or resolve any possible problems beforehand. I received no reply to my request for some information (x2). However, she did text me 3x asking how soon she could get into her room. We rent out a bedroom with bath in our personal home.
Long story short, she announced upon arrival that she had a friend coming to stay the night with her. We balked and then she said "well he will only be here a couple of hours then." (I am not implying our guest is a prostitute.) We told her she was the only ABNB person registered and that we did not accept non-registered ABNB in our home. I added this morning to our House Rules: For safety and home security reason, only registered ABNB guests are permitted in our home. We feel we are responsible for the safety and well-being of our guests while they are in our home and do not need the added liability. Some guests are better suited to hotels or homes with no owners present.
I would be concerned about any possible legal consequences for a home owner should an unfortunate rape or abuse were to happen. In addition, I would be concerned of legal ramifications should that protitute get busted in my home. Would I be an accessory to a crime? Did she have a pimp and did that pimp know my address.
Good luck and I hope this never happens to you again. Definitely put something in your House Rules. I also think your review should be non-judgemental but truthful so the next homeowner is spared.
Annette Stacy
WRT prostitution occuring on your property: if you know, you're an accessory. (Recently had an issue; I wouldn't re-allow it if I knew about it ...)
Unfortunately Airbnb CS sucks on this - even if she broke every rule in your requirements, you couldn't cancel the reservation on your end (unless you want to pay cancellation fees). No matter how uncomfortable you are, if it's your choice to end the reservation and not theirs, you're responsible. And if they don't cancel.... your review will of course be bad. It's a rock and a hard place 😕
As for legal ramifications, if you don't know a crime is happening in your home, you can't be liable for it. People can't make claims on homeowner's insurance if someone rapes them in their home, or car insurance if it happens in a car.
Worrying about the safety (does a pimp know your address) is a different concern, and another valid one.
With IB the host can cancel the booking if he feels uncomfortable with the guest. I had such experience in August. I have nothing against prostitutes, but not in my house. And if we put “no other guests” it means exactly what we say. Violation of clearly established house rules.
There is a lot to be said for checking ID, you can put it in your listing that you will need ID on check in, can not imagine that if prostitution was involved or even an affair that they would choose your listing.
Can not imagine it would happen where I am, well not the affair, pretty sure I have had that, but you could have some fun if that was the case. Noting car numbers etc.
How is that fun?
A person instant booking who lives locally would immediately raise red fllags for me, and I would probably not let them book.
I use a boilerplate form that guests Instant Booking must acknowledge before I confirm an Instant Booking: it goes over instant booking requirements like House Rules and the penalty free cancellation policy as well as names of guests, will there be any visitors, etc. etc. and requires them to reply and acknowledge reading and accepting the terms of the boilerplate form.
I've learned that legit guests have no problem IMMEDIATELY complying and acknowledging the form, House Rules, Policy, names, number of guests, so on & sos forth.
But guests whom may have raised suspicion, maybe with nefarious intent of some sort in their minds, seem to cancel their booking on receipt of my boilerplate disclossure/acknowledgent form.
Nuff said. Go figure.
It all comes back to micro-managing your listing, your business, to suit your needs in your market.
Thank you for your suggestion. We are newbies and while we have had many wonderful experiences we want to circumvent the trouble-makers. It has been a shocker to have to explain to people how to behave appropriately in someone's home. I will do as you suggest and appreciate your guidance.
Joe and Annette