wanting to discuss a booking without having to preapprove
I have received a request for 2017. I haven't set all the prices for this time so just wish to discuss these details without having to preapprove the booking. How can I be sure when I respond that the booking will not be preapproved. The boxes only show Preapprove, Decline and Send a Special Offer.
You have 24 hours to take any action on the request... If you are uncomfortable with the price you can either decline the request or send a special offer with the correct total...
But as usual you can send messages without approving or declining the inquiry...
If you respond to an interested guests inquiry for a booking that is 6 months into the future because you need more information from them before you pre-approve or decline, and they do not respond, does this count against your response time? Would either declining and continuing discussion or pre-approving and then canceling the guest be better as far as Airbnb's response ratings for hosts?
there seems no option to discuss a booking in 6 weeks time booking before accepting. I am unsure whether i will be at home on the dates requested, and need a few days to firm up my pans before accepting. I would prefer not to be penalised for this! What to do?