I'm having a very similar issue, though the error message I receive at the Home Away site is less specific. I noticed that my Home Away calendar had not correctly synced the information from my Airbnb calendar for some time, even after refreshing it. So I deleted the Airbnb import calendar from my Home Away listing, intending to add it back. Now when I attempt to paste the export URL from Airbnb into the import calendar at Home Away, the Home Away site throws this error: "Please check the url you entered. If the problem persists, please contact the calendar provider for assistance."
I've spent lots of time on hold with Home Away trying to resolve the issue, and this has been their reply (via email):
"Thank you for contacting HomeAway Customer Support.
I have reached out to my leadership and, unfortunately, the AirBbB calendar syncing issue is still on ongoing known issue. The information I have is that we are reaching out to Airbnb for information and they are not supplying it back to us.
The underlying issue causing the error message has been raised with Airbnb's developers and our developers will reach out to Tech Support if and when it's resolve. The issue is with Airbnb at this point.
Based off tests we have run, Airbnb is able to handle only so many calendar sync requests per hour from us, which at this time seems to be 60,000 requests per hour. The error message occurs once the Airbnb server has already hit the maximum number of sync requests and will not accept any more from our system. We have reached out to them again to discuss this issue and hopefully get them to raise their sync limit.
The only solution we have is to try again in a few minutes or later in the day to import the calendar, as it may take multiple attempts for Airbnb to handle the sync request successfully. This may mean that it syncs perfectly for one listing's calendar, but does not work for another listing."
Based on this response, I reached out to Airbnb support. Airbnb says they haven't received any similar complaints, and don't show this as a known technical issue. They're investigating further, but I have yet to hear a resolution to the issue.
Did you find solutions?