camping and adventure

camping and adventure

Camping Essentials
  • Tent.
  • Sleeping Bag and Pillow.
  • Air Mattress, Cot, or Sleeping Mat.
  • Flashlights and Lanterns.
  • Bug Repellent and Citronella Candles.
  • Campfire Supplies.
  • "Kitchen"ware.
  • Nonperishable Food and Bottled Water.
  • splitting tools for bushcrafts read here for details 
2 Replies 2

Love camping.
When we were younger, we used a tent and found the most remote site we could to camp. Now we use a tent/trailer and camp at sites with water and indoor restrooms.
The activities I do while camping include hiking, kayaking, bird watching, fishing,  journal writing and generally just relaxing at the campsite (playing with the campfire mostly).

Level 3
Hamilton, Canada

I love to go camping anywhere that has a great swimming spot.  Camping near a beach is the best!