Critique my listing - Avijit from Brooklyn, New York, USA

Level 2
New York, NY

Critique my listing - Avijit from Brooklyn, New York, USA

Living RoomLiving Room



Hello fellow hosts,


I just joined started hosting a week ago, and so far got a few bookings and hosted 2 guests. I would love to get your feedback on my listing and would love to know what I can do better.


This is the link to my listing:


Thanks in advance.




4 Replies 4

@Avijit1   Your listing is in a very popular and hip location that basically sells itself, but you've still gone the extra mile to write up a very thorough description. Two edits I would suggest:


1) Remove "dedicated to young professionals, couples, & business travelers" from the opening sentence. It sounds needlessly snobby and biased; the message it conveys is "Yuppies Only." 


2) In the FAQ, your answer to "who else lives in the apartment" could use a bit more detail besides just the body count. Anything you could convey about your lifestyle and the vibe in the common areas would go a long way toward making the listing feel more like a homestay than just a place to sleep (though plenty of NYC tourists are fine with the latter).


When you get a chance, I recommend re-shooting all of your photos in daytime with full natural light and removing the duplicates. It makes a huge difference - just look at these two pictures of the same room. The first one looks spacious, warm, and comfortable. The second one looks like a cramped basement or a college dorm. It's all about the light.






Thank you so much @Anonymous for your valuable feedback. I agree with you and definitely going to reshoot the photos. There are more decorations added to the room. And about the opening line, I just updated it. Thank you again. 

Level 10
Hay Valley, Australia

@Avijit1  I really like the wording and the expectation you are setting for guests. 

As I always say, photos need improving (I am a pro photographer so i'm always overly picky!). the ABB upload process crunches the images on upload, manages to make even crisp images look a bit awful so less than perfect images don't fare well. the bedroom mirror photo is a bit sad, you don't need that photo anyway as you have a better wide angle view of the room. Good use of captions everywhere. 

I am impressed with how clean and tidy your spaces are, given it looks like a tiny apartment. Do guests get a tub in the bathroom for their stuff? perhaps you could provide one that they take back to their room each time. 

You mention the bed is "full size", this is not helpful. It looks like a double bed. You might get dinged on accuracy for that, as 'full size' is too vague. If Sarah were still here she'd comment on the lack of nightstands. Is there no table to eat at? A floor plan of the whole apartment, showing where the other resident's rooms are might be handy to see. 


good luck!

Hi @Gillian166,


Thank you for your fantastic feedback. I removed the mirror's photo, and I plan on doing a photoshoot again this weekend since the decorations are upgraded with wall paintings and more.


I try my best to keep the space clean and tidy as I myself live in the same place. There is a tub/bin in the bathroom for the guest to use. A detailed house manual is provided in their welcome basket along with essential items, and candies.  


The full-size bed is the most common double bed. I think "full size" is a common US term, that I am going to change shortly with a better description. A nightstand is on the way soon. And the other room location isn't shared, but I can add it to the description.


Once again, thank you so much for your feedback and help. 


