So during Guests' stay, our community pool is not usable for...
So during Guests' stay, our community pool is not usable for 18 nights. We decide to give guests compensation of 30% of the 1...
I just had a guest leave a 1 star overall review but she gave 4 and 5 stars in all other categories and didn't mention any issues in her verbal review even saying that she enjoyed it and would stay again. We had only 5 stars prior to this so the 1 star has tanked our rating. Was this possibly a mistake? I tried to contact the guest but couldn't get in touch. I'm not sure what to do!
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Email Airbnb support to take a look.
We have been hosting for over 8 years and have had a number of guests (3 or 4) rate 4 or 5 stars across the categories and then rate overall lower at 2 and 3 stars with all this blurb about what was wrong with the apartment. This type of behaviour is totally unfair and unreasonable but yet Airbnb has continued to ignore the protestations of its hosts and make the rating a calculation based on the average of the individual ratings.
We have over hosted well over 500 guests in that time but yet our overall rating currently at 4.77 continues to fall because it is never reset. Mathematically any fool can tell you that it has nowhere else to go but down if it is not reset say, every 2 years!
Absolutely ridiculous! Without hosts Airbnb has no business!
@Bruce-and-Rhona0 I guess I was taught Maths differently to you. Every 5 star review will improve your rating (although it may not show immediately) and a 4 star rating will only fractionally reduce it given the number of reviews you have.
Obviously an unintentional mistake by the guest, ask Airbnb to contact them.
@Drew3481 I don't think Airbnb will help you. You need to keep messaging the guest and ask them, if it was a mistake, to ask Airbnb to delete their review. Perhaps give them a phone number to call so its easy for them.