This guest asked for my Phone number before booking, I den...
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This guest asked for my Phone number before booking, I denied then he booked & called me for Massage Girls in his room befo...
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I was shocked to read that Airbnb co founder Joe Gebbia is joining Elon Musk at this new government department which has already sacked 10,000 in a government witchunt - with no notice or reason.
It certainly doesn't align with the Airbnb brand of being open and welcoming to all.
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@Helen3 thanks for sharing this. As I sit in far away Ghana I can only say that the goings on on the other side of various ponds and seas affect us all. Global village etc. Most of us in the thread are clearly not naive-- we know that as hosts and guests we will be affected by the presence, clout and influence of the billionaires. The personal is political as they say. Nothing in this world is neutral. I will be adding my voice to the cries of disappointment.
The recent German elections had the winner at 28% and second-place at 20% and the media called that a “close” race with no mandate. Actually IMHO 1.5% is not a large amount of popular vote to win by. In 2020 election Biden won by 4.5% of the vote 51.3% to 46.8%, but by Electoral College votes he won 306-232 (56.8%-43.1%) a difference of 13.7%. The 2024 election Trump won by 1.5% of the vote 49.9% to 48.4%, but by the Electoral College votes he won 312-226 (57.9%-42%), a difference of 15.9%. Just goes to show that although only winning by 1.5% of the popular vote in 2024 vs a loss of 4.5% in 2020, Trump had a larger majority of the 2024 Electoral College votes. Never was a fan of the Electoral College vote, because it does not really show the true results. A candidate can win some of the larger Electoral College States and not win the popular vote and still be the victor. That has happened 5 times in USA. The last two were G.W. Bush in 2000 and Trump in 2016 (Clinton won by 2.8 million votes). So Trump should have done what the majority voted for?
A Democratic country rules by majority vote; a Constitutional Federal Republic (USA) rules by Constitutional Laws. By saying the “majority “ won and has a mandate you are suggesting that we are a Democratic society which is what our forefathers were against when writing the Constitution. American forefathers were also against King George III’s monarchy rule which Trump is trying to become.
Pertaining to your question; “Did the American population not know what they were voting for?” I can only speak from my experience. I saw Trump speak at a business meeting in the early 1980’s. Wish I had the foresight to record that speech. He was saying the same rhetoric as today, 40 years later, isolationism, backing out of NATO and making other countries pay for US protection. There are several videos and printed articles online backing this up. I believe he was a Democrat then, later a Reform Party candidate and finally a Republican. He also stated back then he was for a National Healthcare Plan (‘99 Larry King) and would never trust Russia. Hmmm? As a registered, voting Republican for 44 years, I did not have to do anymore research in ‘16 or ‘24 before voting. I knew exactly what we were dealing with. Narcissistic people take hold of people in strange ways (victims) and they cannot see through the lies. We’ve all seen this in personal relationships where you try to tell the person being controlled and they refuse to see it. Take care.
Thanks all for your insights into the US election system.
I'd love to hear from US hosts from how the Airbnb brand is being seen by the media and public linked to Gerbia'a involvement in DOGE and the dismantling of services supporting diversity and inclusion?
It wasn't 2.2 million more votes! It was 1.5million, and I'm beyond disgusted by it. It is a very tiny majority, (he didn't even get 50% of the total vote) and it was far from anything close to a "mandate".
I've hosted Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia. Gebbia is one of the most inconsiderate and entitled guests that I've ever had -- you'd think he'd know how Airbnb works. Not a fan and less so now.
As an Airbnb host and someone who is horrified by this news as well, and who is now faced with boycott ing her own business, we the Hosts are the victims- not Joe Gebbia. Most of us are working class people who have put our hard earned money into making a beautiful safe space for ourguests and have no affiliation with the oligarchs who are attempting to rule our world. Joe Gebbia owns 7%, so maybe if everyone sends feedback to Airbnb and demands he disassociate himself from the company maybe we can make a difference? This doesn't make sense, because as we know the company's platform is diversity, inclusivity and welcoming to ALL. Please send your feedback to https://www.airbnb.com/help/feedback
Did you receive an email from the company with updated terms and conditions the other day? I did, and it appears that their platform on diversity and inclusivity is intact.
Jesse, I went to your profile. You are not a host. You may not even be a real person.
Canceling my bookings and moving over to Vrbo.
As an Airbnb host and someone who is horrified by this news as well, and who is now faced with boycott ing her own business, we the Hosts are the victims- not Joe Gebbia. Most of us are working class people who have put our hard earned money into making a beautiful safe space for ourguests and have no affiliation with the oligarchs who are attempting to rule our world. Joe Gebbia owns 7%, so maybe if everyone sends feedback to Airbnb and demands he disassociate himself from the company maybe we can make a difference? Without Hosts they would have no business and we need to be heard. As far as I can tell, Airbnb is not donating or affiliated with the Republican party. It's one man's personal affiliation but it can bring us all down. He should have never taken the position with DOGE and is definetely a conflict of interest. To me, this doesn't make sense, because as we know the company's platform is diversity, inclusivity and welcoming to ALL. Please send your feedback to https://www.airbnb.com/help/feedback
I have a vacation booked for September and I don't want to support Joe Gebbia, but I wonder if the real victim will be the hosts? The house I'm renting is owned by a couple who live on the other side of the house. I would hate to hurt them. What are your thoughts on this?
As a host and someone who is horrified by this news too and wants to boycott Airbnb myself , the hosts are the victims- not Joe Gebbia. Please don’t punish ordinary people who are only trying to make a honest living. Thank you for asking. Pray for our world 🙏
Yes, I believe you should support the hosts. We can all promote inclusiveness despite his association with Musk (his stake is only 7% in the company).
If enough pressure is put on them from guests and hosts, perhaps they can force him completely out.
@Pamela1559 . The vast majority of your booking revenue goes to that lovely hosting couple. Unless we go back to living in caves everything we buy whether its a good or service is somewhere tainted by connection with a business that we may not approve of in some way. Please go ahead and enjoy your vacation.
I’m a disgusted Host who now must boycott my own business. Please send your feedback to this link before we are ALL lose our businesses to these self serving Oligarchs!!!