Airbnb investigation and bad guests

Level 10
Sheffield, United Kingdom

Airbnb investigation and bad guests

Hello all, just need some help & advice as I'm stuck with an issue that seems to be going round in circles.


I had two young girls check in to my apartment on the 13th of January and they stayed for 2 nights (they'd booked for 4). These were some of the noisiest and lease respectful guests I'd ever hosted.


First issue - the booking was for 1 guest but 2 turned up and they said they were new to AirBnB (no reviews), didn't know how to change it so could they pay me in cash for the second person. I accepted - I shouldn't have - AirBnB are aware I accepted part of the booking in cash since the guest complained and told them and my listing is currently no longer available since AirBnB are investigating this matter. When I ring AirBnB to ask what's going on, I just keep being told that it's being looked into and nothing more.


Ongoing issues during the stay -


On the first night they washed their underwear in the bathroom sink & left water all over the floor, I had to clean up. Later that night they said they were cold - the heating was on but the windows were open in the room - I said that they can't have both the windows open and heating on. The next day I was working from home in the lounge, they came in & started playing music. I explained I was working and they needed to be a bit quieter so they went back to their room. Later that day then went out & came back at 2am. When they got back they were slamming doors, talking loud & banging about in the bathroom. I texted the girl who had booked explaining that I had been woken up, could they be quieter & possibly go to bed. She replied saying that she had to get showered right now - I suggested she do it the next morning. I then went to speak to her face to face and all I got was abuse. I then said she can be quiet or leave. I then called AirBnB who seemed to resolve this and cancelled her stay, which she left the next morning. She then put a complaint in to AirBnB and told them she had paid half in cash.


Now AirBnB are investigating the matter with their safety team and have suspended / temporarily deactivated my listing. 


What I want to know is - what are the likely outcomes of this? Will AirBnB permanently ban me for accepting part of the booking in cash? Or will it just be a temporary suspension? How long will it take them to investigate the matter?


I appreciate it's totally my fault for accepting cash and I figure this is partly why AirBnB have suspended my listing but on the other hand I had a lot of issues with these guests who now seem to be playing the victim card.


AirBnB makes up around 20% of my income so without the income I get it's going to make things a little tough.


Some help and advice would be greatly appreciated here.


Yours sincerely,

Very upset.



17 Replies 17
Level 10
Sheffield, United Kingdom

Many of my guests don't speak English as a first language. I only speak English and German.


99% of my guests I don't have issues with and I am almost a superhost. The only thing holding me back from that is that I made 2 cancellations last year which were unavoidable.


It's probably not 20% of my income, probably more like 15% but still a substantial chunk. I wouldn't be sunk without it but it certainly helps. I'm self employed as a consultant engineer in oil and gas but my income is seasonable (Jan-October) and can be unstable so airbnb is a welcome relief in the low months (Nov & Dec)

Level 10
Sheffield, United Kingdom

And yes since the problems I have better familiarised myself with airbnb's rules and processes and updated my guest / house rules (no washing of underwear in the sink!) and other such things.

Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

@Neil408 You can't always win tho'.... Yes, clearer rules may help guests act appropriately in a different culture, and dissuade those who can't comply from booking - but then some bright spark will ding you for too many silly rules! - Andere Laender, andere Sitten!