Hi everyone! I’m excited to share that after seven years, I’...
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Hi everyone! I’m excited to share that after seven years, I’m back to hosting on Airbnb!I first became a host when I moved to...
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Hello everyone! I just joined I’m looking for an idea, information, anything helpful really. I was just warned by airbnb representative that my listing could potentially be removed for invasion of privacy. A guest stayed in my property a week lawn company came the day before thanksgiving to not bother and did the lawn. Guest 1 day before checkout asked for refund because she didn’t feel comfortable. I declined and now I don’t understand how to manage Lawn maintenance. I’ve read a couple of posts but there’s no actual policy that mentions this.
We generally advise Hosts NOT to perform maintenance like landscaping, lawn care etc. if guests are present. Who wants to be woken up at 7am on vacation by someone running a lawn mower or weed eater? However, I work with some Hosts with very large properties and/or the guests are staying for extended periods. On these properties we add to the Addl House Rules that lawn maintenance and brush clearing (for fire prevention) may be performed during their stay and we will try to coordinate a time that works best for them (when they are gone for the day for example). We also include that information in the Other Details section on the listing and in the post booking message.
The key is to avoid doing these types of activities while guests are staying. If it must be done, then be sure it is disclosed on the listing, and the guest is advised.
Exactly within reason, I usually delay the lawn guy and short of an emergency, no maintenance people at all...BUT I have no control over the neighbors and what they do or when they do it....unless people live in isolation these criteria border on the insane...I realize excess noise should be avoided but the reality is the world needs to be cleaned...this isn't a soap opera where food and everything magically appears I do my absolute best but to get help that is affordable, reliable, good and doesn't negate the point of doing airbnb is tough enough, but throwing in random scheduling is begging for no-shows and outrageous charges...
Thank you @Joan2709 all comments have been very helpful and I appreciate the ideas and recommendations provided. I will definitely try my best to make it clear. The lawn care company has been used for more than 3 years by us therefore we know they will not be showing up at 7:00am in fact he normally comes on Thursdays and this time he came on Wednesday to not bother guests on thanksgiving day, to give you a bit more info. Guests were not in the property they were out but when they came back they saw the backyard chairs stacked up and reached out and I explained lawn company came and maintained the lawn to not bother on a Thursday he came Wednesday and still that made them feel uncomfortable and filed a complaint and requested refund. After I explained to safety team they determined I broke the privacy policy which states I the host or others invaded their privacy and therefore my listing could be removed.
Thanks for explaining the situation. Glad they didn't wake up the guests at 7am 😊Unfortunately, Airbnb has already made their decision (fair or not) and I wouldn't risk having another similar situation occur and have your listing suspended.
Probably best not to schedule lawn care when guests are present and only schedule when no guests are staying or in between guests. I would verify the guests have actually checked out if scheduling between guests, as some guests check out late and don't advise the Host. If that is not possible, I would be sure your Addl House Rules and message after booking make it clear that you have a lawn service and they may complete outside work during guest stays. Be sure this is on the platform messaging after someone books, so there is no misunderstanding and be sure the guests have agreed that is fine.
Some Hosts schedule a prep day before/after a booking to enable lawn care and other maintenance issues and cleaning of larger properties that aren't able to do a same day turnaround. Of course, that is up to you, as that means extra days you would not be earning revenue.
To be fair, think about it from the guest's perspective. They were not at the listing and returned to see evidence that someone was on the property (chairs stacked and lawn cut). They have no way of knowing if someone actually went inside the property or not. They also weren't advised that lawn care would be taking place during their stay. Even if the Host advises that no one went inside, they were not present and/or informed. I think if you had informed them, they would have either been fine with it or arranged a time they could be present so as to assure themselves that no one went inside the property. Prevention of a future occurrence is key in order to ensure your listing is not suspended.
Hi @Fiona256 and @Maria19300 😊,
I would like to share with you a community tip 👉 remember to tag members in your comments so they receive a notification of your message. Simply press @ on your keyboard, and the name of the person you are trying to reach should pop up. 😊
Hi @Claudia4251 😊,
Did any of the answers below help you to understand your question?
If so, it's always a lovely gesture to mark it as the "Top Answer".
It's like a big virtual hug to the member who supported you but also to support other hosts who may have similar questions in the future.
Warm regards🌻,
@Elisa Thank you. I do know how to tag people, but my message was a general one, so I saw no need.
Hi @Fiona256 😊,
Thank you for letting me know!
To tag someone, simply press '@' on your keyboard, and the name of the person you want to reach should appear.
Please don't hesitate to ask if you need any additional help!
Warm regards🌻,
I finally found Airbnb's actual policy on entering the property during a guest stay (wanted to be sure what it said). It does say that Hosts may not enter the listing or property during a stay without prior guest permission or in case of emergency:
Protecting Your Privacy
"...What We Don't Allow