Careless response to unauthorised credit card use

Careless response to unauthorised credit card use

I have just received the most careless response from Airbnb in regards to $4,000+ of unauthorised credit card charges.


In response to the unauthorised charges being raised with Airbnb, I received an email stating 'a full and thorough investigation has occurred' and they have determined that the charges are not unauthorised, and it is likely a friend or family member has used my credit card. I know this is not the case, and to imply I am lying or I have been careless is offensive.


Airbnb will not share any information about the charges. As the card owner, with identification, I should be able to obtain an invoice at minimum. 


I am shocked that Airbnb think this is a valid response to give anyone in this situation. To ask a person to trust a secret investigation, and to doubt themselves and their friends and family is outrageous.


I understand Airbnb are not liable for unauthorised charges, however there are much better ways to communicate with people (especially customers) in this situation. I would avoid implying a person is lying, or their friends and family are responsible. This is shameful. 

3 Replies 3
Level 1
Reid, Australia

This is ridiculous Airbnb. Short of it is, even in the unlikely situation that it was ‘family and friends’ using the card the fact is if it’s unauthorised by the cardholder then you should be doing all you can to stop it and make sure it doesn’t occur in the future. Also, providing information to the cardholder about how it was used surely only helps the customer check what’s going on with OUR card and also then help you properly undertake a ‘full and thorough investigation’… what a joke.


its times like this that companies demonstrate what’s most important to them - clearly not customers or reducing fraud.


Good luck Carly123 I hope I don’t get caught up in the same unfortunate situation as you. Shame on you Airbnb!

What a ridiculous sequence of events and proposed outcome - poor user experience and essentially has Airbnb supporting fraud. A short time viewing posts here highlights this is pretty standard practice from Airbnb and is not good enough. Card holders need to be protected not the scammers who are booking stays with someone else’s card.


be better Airbnb 

Level 1
Reid, Australia

This is ridiculous Airbnb. Short of it is, even in the unlikely situation that it was ‘family and friends’using the card the fact is if it’s unauthorised by the cardholder then you should be doing all you can to stop it and make sure it doesn’t occur in the future. Also, providing information to the cardholder about how it was used surely only helps you check what’s going on. With YOUR card and also then properly undertake a ‘full and thorough investigation’… what a joke.


its times like this that companies demonstrate what’s most important to them - clearly not customers or reducing fraud.


Good luck Carly123 I hope I don’t get caught up in the same unfortunate situation as you. Shame on you Airbnb!