Trying to move with same host but change date back by 1 day ...
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Trying to move with same host but change date back by 1 day Can't find anything on the air BNB app only cancellation where i...
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I think Airbnb making the changes, but i cant change the number of rooms. i just dont know where. I watched a youtube video, but when i followed the instruction, those options are not even there. So frustrating. I hate that you have to go to customer service every time you need a little change.
Hello @Asia839 to add rooms just tap “listing” under Listing editor, .Tap Photo tour, and then tap + sign to
add rooms. You can also edit beds just tap Sleeping arrangements. Choose the type and number of beds then tap Save. Hope this helps!
Hi @Asia839 ! Welcome to the Community🌻.
Have you tried working through Patricia's suggestion?
Please keep us posted if you've already managed to change the number of rooms and beds for your listing or reached out to Customer Support team!
Hi. I did changed it successfully, however I don't like the photo tour generally and trying to delete it from the listing. The reasons are:
1.if ylguests preview the listing on the phone all good pictures are going back.
2. No possibilities of moving the albums around.
So basically if I want to stick with the previous photo album, without photo tour, I don't have any possibility to correct my rooms.
Hi @Asia839
Within the photo tour, you can reorder the first five photos on your cover page. Simply tap all photos, then drag photos in the order you prefer.
I have the same problem. But I have added a number of rooms as suggested and yet in the phot tour by-line it still comes up as only two bedrooms. Photos have been added to all rooms in photo tour, so Im not sure why it won't update. Any ideas?
Yes @Patricia2526 . Thank you I found it. However I don't like the idea of photo tour.