City activities and suggestions for guests


City activities and suggestions for guests

Hi are you guys often asked questions about things to do around the city from guests? And if so how much time do you find yourself spending on this?

1 Best Answer



Hi Lucy -

This is a great question, and we can guess that this is a current issue for you.

We encourage our guests to ask us these questions. For us, the essence of hospitality is assisting our guests in having the best possible experience. With this in mind, we spend as much time as is necessary in a sincere attempt to make all their surprises  good ones. 

We preview the restaurants and destinations that we recommend. We keep abreast of local events - plus weather and road conditions - as well, so that we can respond with good information. The platform provides space for a local guidebook, as well as the getting around section of the listing. This for us is a space for this information, and we do our best to keep it updated. In addition, we have information in the space that shows more information on our favorite recommendations, in case guests have not done this planning already, prior to arrival. We love the smiles, when our guests had a terrific time.

Have fun with this!

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7 Replies 7



Hi Lucy -

This is a great question, and we can guess that this is a current issue for you.

We encourage our guests to ask us these questions. For us, the essence of hospitality is assisting our guests in having the best possible experience. With this in mind, we spend as much time as is necessary in a sincere attempt to make all their surprises  good ones. 

We preview the restaurants and destinations that we recommend. We keep abreast of local events - plus weather and road conditions - as well, so that we can respond with good information. The platform provides space for a local guidebook, as well as the getting around section of the listing. This for us is a space for this information, and we do our best to keep it updated. In addition, we have information in the space that shows more information on our favorite recommendations, in case guests have not done this planning already, prior to arrival. We love the smiles, when our guests had a terrific time.

Have fun with this!

Thank you so much @Kitty-and-Creek0! This has been very helpful!

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hi @Lucy1071, I'm glad to see you found our Hosts' suggestions useful. I've tagged them in your replies so they get a notification of your message.


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I hope this helps, and we look forward to reading more of your contributions in our community 🌻



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Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hi @Lucy1071 


From your profile you aren't a host so it would be useful to understand your interest in this area?


Many hosts provide guests with a visitor books and local area guides.

Hi @Helen3 


Thank for your response. I began co-hosting with my friend, and we are now overseeing 21 properties through her

management company (this is my personal profile). I am in charge of responding to all guests' questions. I want to find the most efficient way to help guests with city recommendations, as this is a frequent request. I want to determine how much time I should spend on this as a co-host.  Our Airbnbs are in a fast-paced city and attract a younger crowd and they seem to be overlooking the guidebook. Don't want to mess up our reply rate so I want to make sure we are as efficient as possible. If I come up with any more ideas I will return and share. I think what Kitty and Creek suggested above with the platforms local guidebook will be very helpful for the younger crowds.

guides and ideas of events in the area make a clients stay more fun 

I host my own BnB, although new this spring  it has been very enjoyable