Critique my listing - Dragonwood, Maine, United States

Critique my listing - Dragonwood, Maine, United States

Screenshot 2024-07-02 at 08.41.03.png

Would someone like to look at my listings and tell me how I can improve them? 


🏡 Dragonwood Family Retreat

🏡 Dragonwood Main House

🏡 Dragonwood Bunk House


**[Title/content updated by Community Manager]

2 Replies 2
Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hi @Snapdragon1 👋


I hope you don't mind, I added your links to your listings, as well as a photo of all 3 and edited the title a little bit. Hopefully, this will get some more Hosts to your thread, and they'll be easily able to access your listings too! (It makes it so much easier for them when all the information is there!) 


I'll keep and eye on the thread and tag some Hosts in if they don't come along soon! 🤗



Please follow the Community Guidelines

Thank you!