Critique my listing - Veronika from FL, USA

Level 2
Santa Rosa Beach, FL

Critique my listing - Veronika from FL, USA

Hello All, thanks so much for reviewing my new first time listing. The challenge I have that I got it rented out for 2,5 right away and don’t have reviews yet. Since then, I have many requests 1-2 per day from people from “hidden Airbnb” and yong teens with zero reviews. 
My second issue that my friends can’t find my house which is 2 min drive from the beach.

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Veronika201  What do you mean requests from "Hidden Airbnb"? You mean they are including their phone number in their messages to try to get you to contact them off-platform?


Do you understand the difference between Inquiries and Requests? Most of those type of messages are Inquiries, not Requests. For Inquiries, all you have to do respond with a return message, do not waste declines on them. All you have to say is "I don't communicate with guests off-platform", if they are trying to do that.


As for your listing- it looks quite nice. But I know that English is not your first language, and that has resulted in your listing wording being full of mispellings, incorrect grammar, etc. So maybe get a friend who is a native English speaker and quite literate to go through it with you and make corrections. 


I would not picture the bed as a bare mattress with plastic over it. I assume you are trying to show it is new and clean, but bedroom photos should show the bed nicely made up and comfortable looking. 


You say it is "our guest house", but you haven't described the living situation at all. Do you live on the property yourself in the main house? Do you share any outdoor spaces with guests? You should make those things clear. If you do live there, it's a good thing to mention it, as in "This is an on-site host property. We live in the main house, so we are close by if you need assistance, but the guest house is totally separate and we respect our guests' privacy".


Guests with bad intentions will stay away from listings that make it clear that the host lives on-site, which is to your advantage, as it will help to prevent getting inquiries and requests from people who plan to party, sneak in extra guests or pets, etc. 


You might want to change the wording about guests contacting you by facetiming.  It's best to keep all communication with guests on the Airbnb messaging, so it is documented, in case of a dispute. You don't want a situation where a guest complains to Airbnb that the host hasn't been responsive to an issue, and you have no way to prove you were because all the conversations happened by phone or text.  


Of course there are exceptions, like an emergency situation, and if a guest has been in residence for awhile and you can tell they are a nice, normal person who isn't going to try any funny business, exchanging a text or phone call can be fine. Or for trivial things- as a home share host, I've sometimes texted a guest to say I'm at the grocery store and would they like me to pick anything up for them? 

Hi Sarah, thank you it’s super helpful. People who contacting me with requests have zero reviews, and no information. When I asked if this is first time they using App, the saying ohh I stayed before with “hidden Airbnb”, when I researched for it, it’s a big problem sounds like because no such a thing. Check it out yourself. I will consider your suggestions right away. 
re: mattress, I have not had time to make a bed because I had someone moved in for 3 month on same day of posting, had to rush to set everything up 😉

my question was for second house I have at the beach, not guest house.

@Veronika201  I think what you are seeing is the guest saying they have stayed before with ____, and posting a link or something. 


When a user posts links, or a phone number, or an email address or the name of another website in a request or inquiry message, the Airbnb algorithm blocks that info and it will say "Hidden by Airbnb"- it isn't something the guests are writing.


You may be getting all these requests from newbies because your place is too cheap? Also guests with bad intentions, like sneaking in more people and throwing a party often look for new listings- they think the host is clueless and they'll be able to get away with things.


Sorry I was looking at the wrong listing- I'll check the other one out when I have more time.



Oh, I see now, I had no idea. I turned down three requests because I was concerned that these people had bad intentions for the beach house. But that's fine; I'd rather be cautious than chase money. Sarah, I appreciate your assistance. I've updated the Guest House listing and will change the photos as soon as I can.