Damage claims paid 5% of actual expenses

Level 1
Aurora, CO

Damage claims paid 5% of actual expenses

I recently had a group of bad guests stay in my home and trash it. Roughly $654 worth of damage and/or additional cleaning required. I provided full documentation, quotes, receipts, photographs, and everything that was requested. Airbnb is offering me $35 for the claim. Has anyone else experienced this? I’m also told I’m not allowed to speak directly from to anyone in that department and can only communicate with them via email. I think this is incredibly bad policy and a total disservice to all hosts, but for Premier Hosts it’s an even bigger insult. Is anyone else having these issues?

3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Lawrence216 I would forget about Airbnb and claim off your insurance.

Level 10
Glenbrook, Australia

Sorry but there is not enough detail to evaluate your situation.

Level 10
Glenbrook, Australia

Sorry but there is not enough detail to evaluate your situation.

You are still new at hosting and it looks like you started during abnormal times too....  (covid?)

Your home is advertised as a whole house, fully stocked with great detail on all the myriad of contents to be accessed unsupervised by an adjacent, or live-in host. 

The crowning feature being your announcement that a smartlock code will provide full access to your home and all the goodies within... 

Imagine if you were a burgular reading your property description...... 

Maybe reconsider the contents of your home, and the descrption. 

Chalk this one up to experience, claim on your insurance, and thereby drive your premiums up.

Or claim the expense as an income tax deduction  and get a tax rebate in return. 

Never underestimate the benefits of screeniing guests. 

If you reread the Airbnb cover policy you'll probably get a more realistic understanding of what to expect from it.

To reduce the chances of a repeat problem, try to analyse what factors may  have contributed to this event and make whatever changes in your hosting  that you can control, in order to prevent future events of a similar nature.