Explaning route

Level 1
Caracas, Venezuela

Explaning route

Hello! How are you? We have our first guest coming soon to our place. The house is located in the heart of a mountain and there is no celular coverage. It is super important for us to send our guest a video in advance explaining how to get there. And a pdf guide book of the house. How can Airbnb help us? 

Thanks, Leonardo and Isabel


3 Replies 3

Hello! I'm doing well, thank you.. Airbnb can help you by allowing you to share important information with your guest through the platform. You can upload the video and PDF guidebook to the "Guest Resources" section under "Your Listings." This ensures your guest receives all necessary details before their arrival. Additionally, you can message your guest directly through Airbnb to emphasize the importance of the video and guidebook, ensuring they review it before their trip. This will help them navigate to your remote mountain location smoothly.

Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Hi @Leonardo1189, @Aqsa4 has a great suggestion - you will be able to make a guidebook with the information. Just keep in mind that this is something everyone can see (not only confirmed guests) , so you have to judge whether you're comfortable with the information being made public.

Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Hi @Leonardo1189 

I also want to send a standard arrival PDF via the Airbnb messaging system, but one cannot upload documents, only photos. Fortunately mine is only one page, so I have turned it into a screenshot and I send it as a photo on Airbnb.

If your PDF is not too many pages, you can also do this, but it won't solve the problem with the video that you want to send.

One solution would be to send both as attachments in a WhatsApp, but Airbnb wants you to keep communication inside the app. Once you send a WhatsApp, the guest is likely to keep communicating there instead of on Airbnb. This is risky as it violates policy and you will be unable to present credible evidence to customer support or to the safety team if anything goes wrong.

I'll follow this thread to see if other hosts have good ideas!