Guest Inquiry - no pic/no profile

Level 2
Nashville, TN

Guest Inquiry - no pic/no profile

Good afternoon - I received a request to book from someone wanting to book a full month, which is great, however, they have no profile pic or bio. In addition, they joined in 2021. This is my conversation with them when asking for a little bit of info about them. Should I be concerned?


 **[Private conversation removed in line with the Community Center Guidelines]


14 Replies 14
Top Contributor
Buckeye, AZ



For me his last response considering he doesn't know you either sounds a little argumentative that  would be my red flag.  Your questions are very polite.  What if you do have to confront him about a rule you have, what type of response will you get?

I do a lot of contract workers so sometimes a few months.  A new inquiry for  me when someone says do I do  long term?  Is what is the guests definition of long term?  30 days 3 months or 6  months?  

Then I ask why?  When I first started renting at this location  they would tell   ne what  company  had a contract for them and I would just internet search on the company?  Some companies regularly bring in temporary labor others announce on their website maybe a new warehouse or something in my area just so I have some confidence.

If a temporary assignment  then that isn't guaranteed,  companies change contracts shorten or lengthen.  I usually only accepted a 30 day stay.  I will usually say yes to an extension.  Extension for the Guest Airbnb doesn't charge them a booking fee..  For me I  have control, my calendar is open, if I don't like something the guest is doing (only  1 time so  far) I told him sorry  I can't extend family unexpected  visit...

Marie - thank you for your response! I found it to be a red flag as well, and having no profile pic or information was concerning. He was asking for a 30 day stay, however, I thought he would just go ahead and tell me about himself when I asked. 

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Katie1676 , Did you eventually decline the booking? Or did the guest respond with more information?



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Hi, yes, I ended up denying the booking. I just didn't feel comfortable with his response.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Thank you for letting us know @Katie1676 ! Our Hosts usually talk about vetting questions to usually ask guests during a booking. Do you have any specific vetting process in place as a communication strategy with guests?



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I usually trust their profile and their reviews, but if they don't have those items, I will ask the reason for their visit and go from there. 

Hello @Katie1676 


You can set up on your listing that you require a full photo of your guest and not a mickey mouse picture and as you have a photo of yourself it's that much easier to ask of guests to do the same.  Airbnb is built on trust after all and it's so much easier when it's mutual😉


Here is a screen shot that show you where to find the setting:


Capture d’écran 2024-06-18 à 12.43.03.png


All the best


Thank you!

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

That's a brilliant tip @Joelle43 ! Thanks so much for sharing it with us and @Katie1676 😍



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Just to be  conscious of I only had 1 experience but it was unpleasant  Profile pictures can not  be validated.  So having a profile picture doesn't give you assurance that is who  shows up at your door.   Don't use an unvalidated picture as any sort of guarantee

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

You don't see a guests profile photo until they have booked @Katie1676 

@Katie1676 Also, you will not see the guest's phone number until after the reservation is confirmed. 

Yes, thank you. 

I just recently learned this, thank you! I wish this was something they would change. However, if the person said they joined in 2021, so the fact they had no reviews was concerning and they told me they had just joined, so it didn't add up.