Guest complaint

Guest complaint

A new guest of mine checked in and messaged  me maybe 20min after checkin that there is noise from a renovation and that he is cancelling his stay and cancelled it immediately even before me being able to respond. 
i have been booked for 5months straight and not once has this been mentioned to me. I have a 5 star rating and I am a super host.
Reservation was for 37 days as I do 28 night minimum stay. He asked me for a full refund. 

any advice on how to deal with that?


thank you!

2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Willits, CA



What would I do? I'd just let him go. Accept cancellation and give full refund. Anything else would not be worth the hassle for me, and I'd not want my guest to be miserable or staying against his will. We call it "cut bait" in these parts. 

What did you decide?

I haven’t decided yet, he cancelled the reservation himself 20min Into it and left immediately. And technically the reservation is not refundable. Also need to send cleaning staff to see if unit needs anything done to it