Guest demanding entire cleaning fee refunded "or else"

Level 2
Phoenix, AZ

Guest demanding entire cleaning fee refunded "or else"

My first time as a host...My 2 bed-2 bath luxury condo (with 2 pools etc.) in a very desirable location in Phoenix AZ was offered at total cost of $105 per night (nightly rate and cleaning fee combined) This is rate was well below any other similar Airbnb condo in my area and less than half the rate for a single room at nearby hotels.


I am a college professor, accordingly my home is on occasion available during semester breaks. I asked Airbnb for 7 day notice to book a reservation. None was received; However I always thoroughly clean and prepare my home (a 7 day process) before I depart (in anticipation of friends or family that may-and have-used my condo during my absence). During my flight to the east coast to be with family for the holidays,  I received a reservation request (3 days before requested check-in date) from a guest that was unable to occupy their home due to home restoration being performed (water leaking-flood-damage). Due to their unfortunate circumstances and knowing my home was perfectly suitable for any friend or family to reside, I accepted the reservation


Unfortunately the wife of the Guest that made the reservation is a self-described "clean freak" and "extreme critic". Apparently her definition of "cleanliness" is such that it is unobtainable by any Host other than herself. She repeatedly noted that "my cleaning fee was high" (totally dismissing the amazing housing value she was receiving) and is demanding that I pay her the entire cleaning fee that was published..."or else". Such a payment would reduce their total rental rate down to $89/night (Similar to a single room at a very undesirable hotel during December in Phoenix, AZ)


The Guests did not rate or review my condo or their stay with Airbnb within the 14 days allowed. I waited till the 14 day deadline date, but given that they did not post a review...I did the guest review-rating posted. However since that date (they checked out 21 days ago departing with several of my items) she has been texting me demanding the entire cleaning fee be paid to her. She also stated that her husband (the person who made the reservation) is too busy to deal with this issue...and if I don't pay her the entire amount she will file a complaint with Airbnb and get a full refund.


What should I do...short term and long term?

  1. Should I pay her and move on even though I feel that is wrong in so many ways ...or refuse and await further actions-complaints from her-Airbnb
  2. Should I file a complaint with Airbnb now? (I did call them concerning this issue)...Seems to me this is extortion, requesting money with the threat of ratings-complaints hanging over a Hosts head.
  3. Since the term "clean" is so subjective...Is it not possible for every Guest to make such demands? Or make these demands a essence scamming many Hosts?
  4. Should I ignore Airbnb's published advice...i.e. to discourage short-term stays and have ample funds to restore condo (including consumption-damages-missing items) charge a high cleaning fee and publish a low rental rate... which as a new host is what I did?
  5. Should this be my last Hosting event? (This is not a business for me...may only occur twice during a year)

Thanks One and All for your insights




15 Replies 15
Level 10
Wellington, New Zealand

At the risk of the blind leading the blind (I am also a new host), my instincts are saying that you should contact Airbnb immediately and inform them of the situation.  I don't think waiting for her to raise it is a good idea at all.


I'm also curious about two things: 

  1. What items did she take with her when she departed?  Did you raise a dispute with Airbnb to have her pay for the items?
  2. What specific things did she complain about in regards to cleanliness?  Do you use a professional cleaner and were they things you would expect to have been clean after paying for their services?

Thank you Ben for your input and suggestions: per your questions: Firstly understand that she apparently is the type of person that quickly reacts...without all the facts, accordingly she complained about many things that were "personal belief" is once she found out about the (in her words) "extremely high cleaning fee" her mind and motivations were stirred:

  1. One of her complaints was that I did not supply WHITE TOWELS (my towels are GENERALLY designer quality and in various colors). Being a rookie I didn't argue...but the truth was that besides all my other towels supplied there were 3 sets of white towels...strangely all WHITE TOWEL SETS were missing upon my return to my home (verifiable with photos)
  2. One out of set of 4 coffee cups
  3. The wash cloth and hand towel from a grey DKNY towel set ...the bath towel was present.
  4. One out of set of 6 steak knives

Two days after my return to my home (6 days after the guests checked out) I sent the husband a very kind email requesting the items whereabouts and/or return. (Since their flooded home is within 30 miles of mine). Initial denial was later followed up with "located some items" notice and Items #1 and #2 were returned 5 days later. I did not pursue the other items and some breakage in my home since they were minor in value and my "cleaning fee" (boy I wish Airbnb would eliminate or reword that “fee”) covered such.

Concerning "cleanliness" ...her complaints were broad in nature just as the term "clean" is broad in nature. "It took me days to clean your place"...I didn't argue knowing that I personally cleaned or supervised the cleaning of each and every room (as I stated I use a 7 day clean check list before I depart my home) and I would have been proud to have any family member or friend stay at my home in my absence (which they have and have raved about the professional look and feel).

In the future I am strongly considering paying a "cleaning service" before I depart and keep a copy of the invoice for my records…and possibly as part of the guests check-in packet.

Again thanks for your help and input...even though 100% consensus on what steps I should take was not evident in all your responses...i.e. just like "clean"...or "movie ratings"... everyone's tastes and ideas are never exactly the same


Thanks Rookie Level 1 Jeff


Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Jeff541  The reservation wasn't under her account. She could be anyone as far as Airbnb is concerned.. Block her phone number so she can't text or phone you,  ignore her. She's a nutcase.

Level 10
Wellington, New Zealand

Good point @Sarah977, I hadn't even thought of that.  No point in taking her word that she's the wife of the guest he had, it could be a complete scam!

@Ben551  Well, she could very well be his wife, but Airbnb isn't going to issue any refund based on what someone who didn't make the booking has to say. 

Level 10
Seattle, WA


What is there you can do?

Wife of the reservation holder has no power over you.

The reservation holder (the husband) found your house acceptable and does not desire to fight with you just to please his wife.

It is a fait accompli. 


Level 10
Jersey City, NJ

I would contact airbnb just so there is an open ticket on this issue, tell them a former guest is harassing you and you want some guidance on what to do.  As far as I can see, the guest didn't leave a review, didn't ask for a refund via airbnb resolution center, and is threatening you, so I would say do not under any circumstances give a refund.

Level 4
San Diego, CA

First of all...give no refund! It’s not warranted. Here is the abbreviated 101 on how it works...


Guests have 24 hours after check-in to complain if something isn’t to their liking. As in, the place is dirty. The guest MUST take photos of whatever the issue is...proof is always needed...they can’t successfully claim it’s dirty, without photo or video proof that it’s dirty. The guest ONLY has this 24 hr period to make the complaint. 


If the guest complains (which yours didn’t), the host is then contacted either by Airbnb or the guest and a request is made for the host to fix whatever the guests issue is. If the host is unwilling or unable to fix the issue, then refund discussions come into play.


A guest cannot stay at your place making no complaint to Airbnb about the level of cleanliness and then complain after the fact. She needed to request a cleaning refund within the first 24 hrs. That is why Airbnb withholds payment from the host for the first 24 hrs. To ensure the guest is happy with what they paid for.


I wouldn’t contact Airbnb. There’s no need...her ‘or else’ is invalid. She can go to Airbnb and request a refund, but if she does it will be at YOUR discretion as to whether she deserves one. Airbnb will simply forward her request to you...and you will simply decline 🙂


I would block her number...and move forward happily...

Level 2
Phoenix, AZ

First and foremost thank you one and all for all your guidene and input...secondly please excuse my ignorance but your responses have me curiuos...a few questions...please help:

  1. Is any reply listed coming form Airbnb staff...or are you all "Hosts"
  2. What does Level 2, 3 or 10 mean (indicated after your name listed)
  3. Like many of you (based on your photos above)...the "Guests" in this case show up as couple (both in one joint photo)...the husband emailed me ( I assume it was he...) stating that he was making the reservation...but does that really matter to Airbnb? it not possible that a single account "Tom and Sue for example is counted as one  "guest" even if it is actually 2 people (a married couple for example)?  
  4. How do I determine whether He made the reservation...or she...or both of them? ...or doesnt it matter at all given the 24 Hr rule-policy?

My many thanks again...rookie Jeff

Level 10
Westcliffe, CO

@Jeff541,  the guest did not contact you within the 14 day period, so I believe there is nothing he (she) can do. I'd ignore her. 


Which items did she steal btw?


As for your questions:


1) We are all hosts, some guests, and a few Community Center Admin staff.

2) The levels are how many posts and likes you've received. Level 10 being the highest, means you've posted a lot. 

3) I'm not sure, but if it is under his name, then he's responsible for the booking.

4) Again, his account, his responsibility.  


I would just ignore her, she seems a bit nutso. 

Thank you John...but your one response has me concerned...I thought this forum was JUST FOR HOSTS

"We are all hosts, some guests, and a few Community Center Admin staff."...

  1. Why is this forum open to Guests and staff?
  2. If so... have I now, in essence, "notified" Airbnb of my-guest-this issue?

Thanks Rookie Level 1 Jeff



@Jeff541, guests can access most of the threads but cannot access the 'Host Circle'. As far as I know, they can view other forums. There are two Community Center staff members who make frequent comments, but I don't believe they are here to collect any information and report back on things such as this, so I wouldn't worry about that.


In any event, you've done nothing wrong and the guests have no justification to demand any refund. They did not report anything to Airbnb and they did not leave any comments or feedback within the time frame.  


I would put this one out of my mind and ignore the guest. 

Level 2
Phoenix, AZ

Long term...going forward:

What should I do about posting HIGH, LOW or ZERO "cleaning fees"?  Seems to me my “high cleaning fees” matched with an extremely low room rate (i.e. following Airbnb advice to cover all costs and discourage short term stays) may have motivated this guests to take the actions she has to this date.


I originally posted "Since the term "clean" is so subjective...Is it not possible for every Guest to make such "refund" demands? Should I ignore Airbnb's published advice...i.e. "to discourage short-term stays and have ample funds to restore your home (including consumption-damages-missing items) charge a high cleaning fee and publish a low rental rate"


May a guest demand a refund partial or full based on "cleanliness" regardless of whether there is a posted cleaning fee or not?


Suggested strategies would be appreciated...HIGH, LOW or ZERO "cleaning fees"?


Personally I think Airbnb should either reword the term "cleaning" to another term...or eliminate the fee option entirely (put it all in room rate) or standardize the newly named "fee"


Thanks all again…Rookie Level 1 Jeff




wow...I moved up to level 2!!!!!!!!!!!! Yippeee!!!!!!!!!!