Guest room smells bad

Level 2
Zurich, Switzerland

Guest room smells bad

Hi everyone, we have a long-term guest staying with us for two months. After 1 month, it started to smell funny in the part of our flat where the guest room is located. Today I was checking the room (which I normally never do) because the smell was strong in front of his door, slowly crawling into the whole flat. In his room, it smells like the windows never got opened for the past 8 weeks. To say it bluntly, it smells like old sweat mixed with a pinch of sweetness. 
Now I am worried that I have to replace the mattress and blankets he is using. I am also worried that I can't rent out right after him because the room might smell like this for a few days. I simply don't know what to do. He is moving out this Saturday, but I can't stand that smell anymore. It makes me almost vomit. What should I do? We never had a situation like this, and we're renting out for 8 years. Any tips would be highly appreciated.

5 Replies 5
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Why didn't you mention this before to the guest ? @Thomas332 


Have you been providing him with regular changes of linens and towels?


does he have an access to a washing machine?


as you know you're not allowed enter a guests room during their booking so don't mention this. 

I never let a room straight away after long term bookings but leave at least a couple of days in between guests @Thomas332 


Talk to the guest and say the room would benefit from airing as it's starting to smell and ask him to open the windows. 

the bedding will probably be fine  as will the mattress (presume you use a protector) 


leave the windows open for a few days after the guest has gone and give it a Thorough clean . @Thomas332 

I was advised bit to take more than one week booking

Level 10
Moreton, United Kingdom

@Thomas332   I agree with everything @Helen3 has mentioned.  Especially not going into a guests room without permission and also not renting out straight away after a long term let.


I have an ozone generator which gets rid of unwanted smells.  You need to put it in the room and remove any living items, i.e. plants, pets etc.  and turn it on and let it do its magic.  I found this worked great after a guest spilt a rather smelly bottle of perfume on the kitchen floor.  You can buy these on Amazon. 

I use my Ozone machine after each guest checks out for at least one hour. Definitely purchase one. It kills bacteria, viruses, mold, etc. 

Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hello @Thomas332 👋


What did you decide to do in the end? It would be great if one of the Hosts who commented supporting you in making a decision. If they did, it's always a lovely gesture to mark it as the best answer. It's like a big virtual hug to the member who supported you but also supports other Hosts who find themselves in a similar situation. 😊 


Looking forward to hearing from you. 



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