Host is fraudulently claiming damages

Level 1
Salt Lake City, UT

Host is fraudulently claiming damages

I’ve had almost universally positive experiences with Airbnb hosts. They’ve all given me glowing reviews, often pointing out how clean I’ve left their places. I’ve never had a major problem with one before, but I’m dealing with an extremely unpleasant situation right now. My last host is claiming I caused $1150 in damages. She included photos that did not at all support her claims. After I pointed this out to Airbnb, she promptly removed the photos, but Airbnb is still siding with her. They refuse to give me an any specific reason for siding with her. They just said that she’s been “very genuine” in the past. They are not requiring her to provide any kind of proof (such as receipts or the previous photos) to be able to claim the money, and they’ve told me they will automatically charge me the money next week. I appealed the decision last week, but I have yet to hear back from anybody. Just one example to show how silly her claims are, she’s claiming I caused $650 worth of damage to linens, when all I was ever given by her was a pair of sheets, a single blanket, and three or four pillowcases. I’m kind of at my wit’s end. Any advice from anybody here?

1 Reply 1
Level 10
England, United Kingdom

@Erik2315 As you have 42 good reviews to her 20 I guess we side with you? Anyway my advice is to cancel your payment card so no one can take money from you without your agreement. Then suggest to Airbnb that if they really want money from you they should sue you for it with appropriate proof provided to the court.

One more piece of advice - Your review will almost certainly be removed (if the host knows the rules) as it attacks the host's character which is against the rules. This minor error on your part will sadly lose any warnings for future guests.