How Do You Improve Guest Experiences While Boosting Income?

How Do You Improve Guest Experiences While Boosting Income?

I’ve been thinking about ways to give guests a better experience while also adding value to my listing.

For example, recommending local activities, creating a welcome guide, or partnering with small businesses in the area.

What has worked best for you to improve guest satisfaction while earning a little extra? I’d love to hear your ideas and share some of my own!

5 Replies 5
Level 1
Wilmington, NC

I started to add wine + nuts/chocolate as as welcome gift.  I'm open to new ideas. 

Level 1
Wilmington, NC

You need to get professional p hotos as well... make a difference. 

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

according to your profile you aren't a host? are you thinking of becoming one?


@Sietse5  - which listing are you referring to in your post?


most hosts use the facility on Airbnb to set up a welcome guide but I am not sure how you think that would enable you to earn extra income?

Level 2
Grimstad, Norway

Hei, hei.

Jeg lager alltid i stand en liten velkomstgave til gjestene. Forsøker å finne frem til lokal mat eller drikke. Eller det kan være en velkomstgave som er relatert til hvorfor de velger å komme til Grimstad. Om det f.eks er et bryllup, en filmfestival eller familiebesøk. Det gjør sikkert dere andre også 😊Gjestene blir i alle fall veldig fornøyde 😊

Akkurat nå har jeg kjøpt inn ett par gaver til to små jenter som kommer tilbake til sommeren. Så koselig å gjøre ❤️Det jeg har forsøkt å bidra med, har i alle fall ført til at gjester kommer tilbake. 




Hello, hello.

I always prepare a small welcome gift for the guests. I try to find local food or drink. Or it can be a welcome gift that is related to why they choose to come to Grimstad. Whether it's a wedding, a film festival or a family visit. I'm sure the rest of you do too 😊 In any case, the guests will be very happy 😊

Right now I've bought a couple of gifts for two little girls who are coming back this summer. So nice to do ❤️Det I have tried to contribute with, has in any case led to guests returning.


[Google translation added by OCM]

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Sietse5 😊,

Our hosts have shared some great advice with you!


What are your thoughts on it?

We look forward to hearing from you!


Warm regards, 🌻


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