How far should a host go to help a guest

Level 1
Twin Lake, MI

How far should a host go to help a guest

I have a handicapped “friendly” AirBnb. A guest booked last minute and had a paralyzed person in a wheelchair accompanying. They had an accompanying aid but couldn’t get him transferred to the bed without help so they called me (at 10:30 pm). I gave them some medical contacts and the number to the fire department to call, which were all unable to assist apparently. I ended up helping to lift and lower him (in the middle of the night) and now they say they can’t leave my rental even though check out was almost two hours ago (I have other guests coming) without my help again. How far should a guest have to go in this situation? I’d love some opinions from other experienced hosts with disability friendly places please. Thanks in advance!

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Chicago, IL

@Rachel2991 I think anything you do to help in this situation as a host becomes your liability. I would stay away from a physical contact with any guest for any reason (I mean of course if someone is needing CPR or chocking I would step in). Short of that, I would not get involved. I am sorry you were dealing with that.

Level 2
Perdido Beach, AL

I’m assuming you are not a nurse… but really this is a liability,  my hospitality side always wants to help, but I do not touch others, at get involved in bathroom or bedroom stuff at all. I’ll talk to themon the porch,  but I only enter the property with someone with me, and only for property related issues