I run a glamping site with 3 ensuite swiss cottages in The H...
I run a glamping site with 3 ensuite swiss cottages in The Himalayas and am looking for staycations or even monthly long dura...
My very first guest tried to cancel the day of his arrival but did not have success with team Airbnb. He did not contact me that night. The guest then contacted me 2 hours before check out and wanted to seemingly stay for a free afternoon and night. I refunded what he paid after the Airbnb moderator resolved the situation. The guest was gracious that I made the refund and now they want me to leave a review and I don't know what words to use, so any help would be appreciated.
* My very first guest tried to cancel the day of his arrival
* but did not have success with team Airbnb.
* He did not contact me that night.
*then contacted me 2 hours before check out and
* wanted to seemingly stay for a free afternoon & night.
* I refunded what he paid
* after the Airbnb moderator resolved the situation.
The guest was gracious that I made the refund
and now they want me to leave a review and
I don't know what words to use,
so any help would be appreciated. [OP]
This guest might have been gracious when you made a refund, but unless i'm missing something - this person seems problematic and I'd say: >90% be careful as his REVIEW might come with some sort of erratic wording or even 'low stars/ %' 2.
and this is the worse [for which up to now seemingly there is little-to-no-protection] THEY KNOW, as a New Host, their 'reminder/ demand' carries a lot of weight [a bad 1st review can Sink a new host] You are in a tight spot.
1. Don't antagonise him and be cool, like before.
2. wait for SUPERHOSTS, and they might help more...
@Bes175 @Jeffrey-S2 if the guest gives you a bad review, I'd delete the listing and start over.
I'm not clear what happened, it sounds like you are out of pocket, did he actually stay? and did he leave the place clean? Potentially this was a very clever scam.
I am going to try and work through this with the community's help and I don't really want to delete my account. I do agree that it could have been a scam but both parties came out okay and thank you for your reply Gillian166.
"I refunded what he paid after the Airbnb moderator resolved the situation."
How did the moderator 'resolved' the issue? Was this a 1-day stay?
It was a one night stay. The Airbnb moderator thanked me. i was paid and then refunded what he paid. I will wait to see if a super host has a good way to review him. Thank you Fred13.