How we could Add guests name on booking

How we could Add guests name on booking


we are 10 guests but in booking reservation only one mentioned . 
for visa we need all 10 peopke name on booking reservation only.

2 Replies 2
Level 7
Ekerö, Sweden

Welcome @Amir-Reza1


Send the link below to the guest


All the best to you in your future. Check other local Airbnb’s & holiday accommodation for price comparisons. 


Respectfully @Jim-and-Caroline0


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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Amir-Reza1 😊

Thank you for bringing this question here!


What do you think of Jim-and-Caroline0's reply?

Have you been able to add the other guests?


I'm also sharing this article about 👉 Change the number of guests on your reservation. 


Feel free to let us know!


Warm regards, 🌻


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