Hi all, it is my first time to join you people, I have just ...
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Hi all, it is my first time to join you people, I have just started with Airbnb, kindly I need plenty of your support, how bu...
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If I could create a meme on what it's like to be an Airbnb host, it would be something like this:
Spends hours creating an immaculately clean space and comfortable/hospitable stay. Creates highly detailed listing and guidebook, immediately responds to every guest text. Leaves complimentary snacks. Gives deep discounts for long term stays, etc. etc.
*messages host* I found a crumb of dirt and an ant!! This place is a dump!!!!
*comes to clean after the guest checks out* ...Entire place is trashed.
That's bull**bleep**!! I left the place in great condition! I refuse to pay for [fill in the blank]. *threatens host with bad review.*
*****Please share with me your nightmare guest experiences and help me feel better about the **bleep** I've hosted recently. 🙂
A major reason for that is the Airbnb review system. They push hosts so hard and ignore unfair and revenge reviews by guests.
@Nima11 Yes, absolutely. We can get one 4-star and it will drop us below 5. I gave a guest this year straight 1s, yet looking at her profile now you'll see she's still a 5-star guest.
I'm so glad to see a more positive perspective. I recently had a guest stay for over a month, not pay for the 2 week overage, trash the place, and had me investigated instead of paying because she noticed my licensed and registered firearm in my personal vehicle. I had locked it there as to NOT have it on me while they moved out. They caused thousands in damage as well as half a month's rent, yet they complained about me! I've filed a claim and have not had much luck. This is so frustrating!
I'm so sorry to hear this. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be uncommon. Earlier in this thread we were talking about how Airbnb has slashed their staff and their annual revenue projections are in the sh*tter this year, so I'm not surprised if they're slow to help you.
Yes - the slashing of staff is quite distressing. I think they have eliminated almost all customer support (both ends - host and guest). That never bodes well for a service company. Customer support should be the last thing to go.
@Katie @Nick @Quincy @Lizzie could any of you please help @Melania47 . Thanks. 🙂
Thanks for the tag @Yadira22 😊
@Melania47 I'm really sorry to hear about your experience here. I'll see if I can get an update for you and drop you a DM.
Add to that Guests who are allergic to pets, booking my 'Pet Friendly' chalet and then marking me down on cleanliness. I've vacuumed and sanitised to within an inch of my life, but clearly one stray hair will set them off and I have to carry the can for that in terms of their review. My listing says 'PET FRIENDLY' in big letters in at least three places, but this has happened to me twice now.
Grinds my gears 😞
Beautiful name! That's my daughter's name. Spelled the same way and everything. 🙂
Oh my gosh, I know. It doesn't matter how detailed you make your listing and guidebook; some people will never read it all and then will act like everything is a big surprise.
Be careful venting here these days. Quincy the moderator from the UK might think your words are a "bit provocative" and send you a nasty-gram message threatening to limit your access to the forums here. He's a bit overzealous.
Airbnb needs to rethink Quincy's being a moderator in these forums. @Stephanie do u agree?
Thanks for the heads up, but just sounds like another glaring indication that Airbnb doesn't care about getting real, honest feedback from their hosts.
Hi there @Donald28, thanks for sharing your thoughts here.
Just so you know, you're more than free to share your experiences here as long as you adhere to the community guidelines which you've agreed to when joining the community (just like everyone else). Sadly, there have been more than a few occasions where those guidelines were broken, and we've had to take action.
Recently, I've reached out via DM and publicly to you to let you know of the guidelines that are set in place on this community https://community.withairbnb.com/t5/Hosting/And-quincy-I-am-fine-thanks/m-p/1330255/highlight/true#M....
I understand that everyone can get frustrated at times, however, the guidelines are here so that everyone can enjoy a respectful and meaningful conversation with one another.
Loved reading this...
I’ve overwhelmingly hosted lovely guests. But can empathise. Top three worst though:
Broken bed guy who urinated in a Pepsi bottle and left it for me, rather than use the bathroom next door. Luckily Airbnb stepped up on this one and paid for the oak bed.
(Lack of) Personal hygiene guy... you could smell in the living room when he opened his bedroom door. There were other issues as well...
Or the one who used pans / oven and left sticky notes saying don’t wash them, I’ll re-use them. Four rooms occupied sharing a kitchen and completely oblivious to anyone but themselves.
Luckily though, the good ones outweigh the bad, so have faith, I’m sure this is a one-off! 🙂