Looking for Co-Hosting Opportunities

Level 1
Victor, NY

Looking for Co-Hosting Opportunities

Hello Everyone!


My name is Jack and as the title says I am looking to be come a co-host. I have been a host on Airbnb for over 6 years and have been a Super Host/Guest Favorite in my area for over 4. I currently hold a 4.95 star rating and am looking to help other hosts achieve the same!


I am not sure if this is the proper place to make this post, but figured I would give it a shot regardless. If you are interested in my services do not hesitate to reach out! I will manage your listing from start to finish and make sure to increase your booking through effective marketing strategies. 

Feel free to email me at Hollyvacationrentals@gmail.com for a consultation!


Look forward to chatting!

John (Jack)

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