More bookings needed!

Level 2
Wellington, FL

More bookings needed!

Hello I am trying to get as many bookings as possible for my home 

Is there any help or people we an pay to get it so that it will be optimized for the most bookings possible at a decent rate.

Thank You 

Top Answer
Level 10
Greenville, SC

@Eric6595 OMG I am gobsmacked! What a fun, beautiful home!


I have no specific company in mind that can help you market this, but I would think a good marketing firm and/or someone specializing in SEO would be able to help you attract visitors to the beauty and uniqueness of your property. You could also do a lot yourself, like list on travel and airline publications, business publications, local news publications, and the like. Listing on multiple online travel platforms besides Airbnb is becoming more fruitful these days as well. 



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1 Reply 1
Level 10
Greenville, SC

@Eric6595 OMG I am gobsmacked! What a fun, beautiful home!


I have no specific company in mind that can help you market this, but I would think a good marketing firm and/or someone specializing in SEO would be able to help you attract visitors to the beauty and uniqueness of your property. You could also do a lot yourself, like list on travel and airline publications, business publications, local news publications, and the like. Listing on multiple online travel platforms besides Airbnb is becoming more fruitful these days as well.