I had my second guest. He would get drunk and speak to me abusively. Even saying F... u. He also was out front of my place acting like a drunken lunatic and bothering every single person that went by. I got text messages and phone calls about him from the neighborhood.
If this ever happens again I will call the cops and evict them.
1. He had 5 months history and 4 positive reviews. There is no way he has not shown this behavior before. Please everyone, stand up for our fellow hosts and be strong and post negative reviews.
2. I had at least 3 threads and 2 phone calls to the Safety line including him coming back and cruising the neighborhood, as reported by my neighbor and a day later he knocked on my door with a rues to get me to open the door because he forgot something. I told him through the window to leave he continued walking around my house knocking on the walls and yelling. I called the police.
3. Dealing with Airbnb was like talking to a wall. I had given detailed messages and then they would close them. The 3rd one was about me calling the police
I am going to stop here. It is exhausting.
I tried to find my threads with the Safety Center to combine all three and start a new one with all the history. Are they accessible?