No refund

Level 1
Gabrovo, Bulgaria

No refund

I had to cancel my trip and did so. The refund policy was clear - I was eligible to receive 100% of my amount in 8 business days. Here I am 17 business days later waiting for my money. Called my bank and they assured me no money was blocked or sent by Airbnb. They wanted the ARN code. Called Airbnb support and they told me no ARN code was generated. Why? They don’t know. My issue was escalated but no one responds. What should I do? 

1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
Bellevue, WA



Sometimes getting money depending on the payout method is longer than expected. But 17 business days is more than 3 weeks so you should have gotten it by now.


I will flag the community managers here who moderate the boards but are not directly customer support and ask them to pass your issue to the relevant team. @Emilie @Rebecca @Quincy could you help out please?