No reservations

Level 2
Cancún, Mexico

No reservations

I have NO reservations

I have a front view apartment

You have the Beach in front of you

It was getting rented very well...not anymore 

Has anyone a Clue why?

(Besides becoming a Super Houst)

Thank you 


[Content updated by Community Manager]

9 Replies 9
Top Contributor
Buckeye, AZ


You don't have to be a Superhost but reviews averaging less than 4.6 your very low on Airbnb Search results and a Guest can easily find similar listings with higher reviews.  Your going to have to work at getting numbers up.  The only way to even try is speak to corrections in description and price so low for about 4 or 5 guests that they will take a chance and provide a 5 star stay

Thanks a lot for your kind advise Marie

I will work on that 👍🏼

Another question Marie: what if a I close my advertising...and open a brand new one?

Will I start from zero?

Maybe that's better since I have my rental for more than 8 years...And no matter how hard you try...someone will always give you a bad review 

Thanks in advance 🙏🏼


Sorry Airbnb is on to that you get in big trouble.  If the price is discounted then you might get a little higher in the search and if not a lot to lose Guests might chance it.  You will need to vet guests don't instabook

Hola Marie

No entendí lo que me escribiste

Que estoy en grave peligro?? Que Airbnb me está investigando por qué hago las cosas mal?

Nunca reservo fuera de Airbnb 

No tengo cuenta de Instagram 

No entendí lo que dijiste 

Me podrías explicar por favor?

Quizá es el traductor (pero lo leí en inglés y tampoco entendí)

Me queda claro que hay gente que te contacta por Airbnb..y luego quieren cerrar el trato son pagarle a Airbnb...lo cual ya aprendí hace mucho que jamás se debe de hacer

En primeras porque no tienes Asistencia si algo sale mal

Fueras tan amable de explicarme porqué estoy en peligro?


Google Translation added by Community Manager:  

Hello Marie

I didn't understand what you wrote to me

That I am in serious danger?? That Airbnb is investigating me why I do things wrong?

I never book outside of Airbnb

I don't have an Instagram account

I didn't understand what you said

Could you please explain to me?

Maybe it's the translator (but I read it in English and I didn't understand either)

It is clear to me that there are people who contact you through Airbnb... and then they want to close the deal without paying Airbnb... which I learned a long time ago that should never be done

First of all, because you don't have assistance if something goes wrong.

Would you be so kind as to explain to me why I am in danger?


@Oliver887. Oliver, time to do a deep dive into researching your local competition. Who is getting bookings, for how long and is pricing a factor or do they have something unique? Your recent reviews are mostly great so it could be economics.


I have been a landlord about as long as you have been hosting so I get why you are comparing demand now to then. My best booked is a studio, priced at the lowest end (just above 3 star motel pricing), allows a pet, has good working facilities and I am generous with breakfast supplies. Its also easy walk to the pub, beach and dog off leash areas so those often work together. 


Some local hosts are offering deep discounts to get a handful of bookings. The younger crowd are still spending something on their weekends away (not families though) plus we are coming into peak wedding season.


My point is neither have water views like yours so they are often given 5 stars from how they make guests feel and what they get. And I am not currently a SH although that will now change next Q due to booking numbers from coming back on platform. I rank well currently due to booking demand: last year I was page 3 mostly 😉


Do what works for you.



Es correcto..cada lugar hay que "ttopicalizarlo"

Cancún es puro turismo al 100% y siempre hay gente

La playa y las lagunas siempre están a la orden (no neva ni hay temporadas donde no se puedan usar)

Es cierto que hay muchísima competencia...pero yo siempre he procurado dar un precio bajo y dar más de lo que manera que la gente se sienta contenta y se vaya contenta.

El tema ha sido la limpieza...ya que aveces las empleadas de limpieza lo hacen mal..y yo en esa ocasión no supervise..y sale muy caro esos errores

Ya aprendí esa lección..y ahora pago mucho más..pero que sean empresas que garanticen limpieza nivel hotel 5 estrellas

Agradezco muchísimo tú opinión Francés

Quizá deba subir el precio

Al final ésto es un negocio..y yo tengo que hacer que Airbnb gane la mayor cantidad de dinero conmigo...para que me mande clientes

Me voy a esforzar mucho más 

Gracias 🫂 


Google Translation added by Community Manager:  

That's right...every place has to be "topicalized"

Cancun is 100% pure tourism and there are always people

The beach and lagoons are always in order (there is no snow and there are no seasons where they cannot be used)

It is true that there is a lot of competition...but I have always tried to give a low price and give more than what I that people feel happy and leave happy.

The issue has been cleaning...since sometimes the cleaning employees do it wrong...and on that occasion I did not supervise...and those mistakes are very expensive

I already learned that lesson...and now I pay much more...but they are companies that guarantee 5-star hotel-level cleanliness

I really appreciate your opinion French

Maybe I should raise the price

In the end this is a business...and I have to make Airbnb earn the most money from that it sends me clients

I'm going to try much harder

Thank you


Top Contributor
Buckeye, AZ


Cleaning can be the biggest issue because the toilet is dirty then the Guest is checking everything,  The Guest is on vacation and they have to interrupt their vacation ro basically do the Hosts job,  Makes them nit picky about everything.  Don't blame them.

You have actually the biggest positive.  You and your Co-host  Guests love you.

Try this.

Beef up your description and use your personality.

We are so excited September Sale to Celebrate our New and improved Cleaning Process for September Bookings.  This Special won't last long Book Now!

I Know it stinks but depending on bookings you can adjust start with whatever is your break even amount is, you just need to get the review points up a couple to the 4.6 average,

Meet with the cleaners and be honest their work is negative affecting your business.  That relationship needs to improve.

Best would be someone double check the cleaning before an arrival.

In the unit have a clear and easy way to raise an issue for cleaning.  Sometimes just I can call and somebody fixes.  Nice and easy will diffuse irritation

It is some work but you actually have a strong starting  point


Completamente descuerdo 

La limpieza es quizá de las 3 cosas más importantes en la renta vacacional

Ahora contraté una empresa que garantiza que quede muy bien hecho

Yo de todas maneras lo superviso

Pero en la limpieza no se debe escatimar!

Gracias por recordármelo 

Saludos y de verdad gracias por tantos tips tan valiosos


Google Translation added by Community Manager:  

I completely disagree

Cleanliness is perhaps one of the 3 most important things in a vacation rental.

Now I hired a company that guarantees that it is very well done

I supervise it anyway

But you should not skimp on cleaning!

Thanks for reminding me

Greetings and really thank you for so many valuable tips.