Hello Hosting Community, I am a professional host with 4.3 ...
Hello Hosting Community, I am a professional host with 4.3 star ratings, looking for co-hosting opportunities. Is there anyo...
This is NOT a political post and I respect everyone's views on Roe vs Wade as I do on all matters. Airbnb however has been very political (and not in a good way). This cause should align with their values and here is a real chance to do good. I hope they will include getting an abortion in another state as a qualifier for Open homes. Some people will now have to travel very far to get one and might not have the means to rent a place to stay.
I am also looking to help host women who might be traveling to seek services. Being in MN I know there will be an increase in people needing a safe place to stay.
I would 100% open my listing in Brooklyn for women needing housing for this purpose. I would also consider opening my home in Colorado which is not listed for the same purpose. Let me know how I can help!
I strongly support Airbnb's treating the SCOTUS decision like any other crisis involving refugees , hurricane victims or Covid where those of us in states where a person can legally obtain an abortion could open our homes for free or discounted rates. I’m in NYC and would gladly open my home to women in need.
This is a great idea and I hope what @Anonymous referenced will never come to fruition. But, if it does, we'll just take things underground. They will not stop us!
This is such a wonderful idea- and for once, I'm happy to find a topic that isn't discrimative and actually is about trying to help people. Thank you for posting this at a time when it is much needed.
I also like the idea of a code, as someone suggested. I know guests don't get an address until after booking, but i would hate to see hosts (or their guests) targeted for doxxing or protest or harassment, just for doing something so needed. If the pro-life militants are willing to travel out of state to harass women going into clinics, i wouldn't put it past them to do the same here. Some kind of wording or code- or even a network- similar to the ones used in domestic violence shelters- would be a good way to limit problems.
Seriously, thank you for giving me just a little hope that this country isn't entirely gone mad. I needed to read this tonight. ❤️
I am very grateful for the open mindedness of the hosts on Airbnb.
It has been an honor to superhost for the past five plus years and I have been beyond impressed by support that Airbnb as both a community and a platform has provided for it's hosts, and for hosts who have helped out with other crisis ex: refugees, hurricanes, covid.
It is wonderful to be a part of such positivty.
This decision to overturn Roe vs Wade is indeed a true crisis for women and society as a whole. It is a true shame that we must feel the need to be discreet for our safety in efforts to help those in need from other states which have already stripped away women and human rights...like a modern day underground railroad.
I am beyond happy to host women in need during this challenging process.
How can I open my home to women seeking abortion? At the moment I no longer host for money but this situation is dire and I want to help! I’m a labor and delivery nurse who will host compassionately and professionally.
I have no idea what all of you are writing for...What is this "stay for abortion"?
@Dimitar27 an important law was overturned making abortion illegal in many states (this a very short version of the events). Many women will have to travel far to get one and might not have the means to rent a place to stay
10X. Just "googled" it. Strange decision. The problem is not unknown in EU too. Abortion is banned or restricted in at least 9-10 EU countries.
Meanwhile @Inna22 Airbnb is on the list of companies who say they will cover travel expenses of employees traveling to obtain an abortion: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/24/business/abortion-companies-travel-expenses.html
Here is the list noted in the article: This small group included Starbucks, Tesla, Yelp, Airbnb, Microsoft, Netflix, Patagonia, DoorDash, JPMorgan Chase, Levi Strauss & Co., PayPal and Reddit. Others, including Disney, Meta, [Nickname of Richard]’s Sporting Goods and Condé Nast, joined them on Friday.
@Ann72 very admirable and hopefully those employees will be comfortable disclosing this to the employer to get reimbursed
My agency and its parent company WPP announced supporting and reimbursing for travel back in May. I haven't asked about reimbursement, they probably would offer, but for me, I just let the company know this week that my AirBnB is available to anyone that needs it at no cost.
I emailed airbnb to ask that they allow hosts to offer open homes for abortion seekers (I want to offer a room in my home). They stated they do not currently have the program but will reach out to me when they do. The wording made it seem like its in the works. It may help though if other email as well.
@Alejandra898 I think if we can keep this thread going and get enough likes and posts, they are likely to notice