Places appearing unavailable when user didn't reply on book request

Places appearing unavailable when user didn't reply on book request

Several times I've tried to book a place and when the host doesn't reply to the request after 24 hs, the request get expired right? but the problem is that the place gets locked for that same dates period (same exact dates period) for a long time, i.e. it's been more a week and the place is still blocked for that same dates. So I (in fact nobody) can't send another request. It already happened to me 4 times, with different places.

I don't know if this is a bug or what.. I thought airbnb would release the soft hold 24 hs after the expiry. It's a shame places got blocked that much time when a user doesn't reply to a booking request..

8 Replies 8
Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa


I'm sorry that you've experienced so many hosts that don't reply on time. I think it's a good thing that the dates remain blocked so those places can't get booked - responding on time is one of the most important hosting tasks. I hope you soon find a place with a responsive host!

well 24 hs is not a lot of time..specially that I'm trying to book almost an year in advance.


if you ask me it's also bad for the guests not only for the hosts. the hosts just miss the opportunity to earn the stay. the guest (me and others) has now to look for other places, usually more expensive, or maybe not the perfect one in terms of beds, location, etc.

And when the city / location doesn't have a lot of accommodation to look for, whether hotels or b&b, is kinda hard to find alternatives in the same price range and location..

Is is possible to the host to unlock it if I message him/her?

Level 10
Bolton, MA

@Lucio182  If it was a request to book,  yes,  their calendar will be blocked for the dates you requested.  Really no excuse for the host not to respond in a 24 hour period so that is their punishment. 


I have experienced Air messages telling me my calendar will be blocked within minutes if I don't accept or decline the request. I have of course responded to the guest however  sometimes I am coordinating with my housekeepr to make sure the place is clean or will be clean in enough time before I accept.  


@Karen114 Is is possible to the host to unlock it if I message him/her?

It's not so easy to find airbnb in some places within the same price range. maybe the guy didn't see the email, I don't know..seems kinda excessive to block the stay if you didn't reply for only a day..

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Lucio182 , did you eventually hear back from the host, or have you booked another stay elsewhere?



Please follow the Community Guidelines

@Lucio182  I suppose what you could do is try different dates for the same property and in the message let them know your intended dates. I get this a lot as well when a guest is trying to message me, they put other dates in. 

I know myself when I have an inquiry I get a text message, channel message as well as email message from Airbnb on the host side. 
I find it hard to believe the host is missing these messages altogether. Seems strange. What do their reviews look like ? 


@Lucio182. Hi Lucio, the host is usually able to unblock the dates after 24 hours their end if they have responded. I have this happen to me in the opposite when the request to book booker doesnt respond to any of my messages (as they invariably have not switched messages on!) so it lapses. I prefer not to decline someone hastily.


So as soon as I unblock those dates they book again. Some hosts if its the end of a busy season are fatigued, unavailable, disorganised or just dont really want the business at that time.


Best to keep searching for other places who do want your business.

There are many reasons a host may not respond in 24hrs. In my case, I was traveling and the message was delayed while I crossed the border - I never received the notification as a result. The booking was a good match and the guest very much wanted the place long term. I was blocked from contacting the guest and the guest was blocked from contacting me. Airbnb's policy can be harsh and I understand that they exist for a reason, though I do not think that blocking both guests and hosts from communicating after 24hrs is beneficial to anyone, especially if the host is a superhost in which case they should be given the benefit of the doubt. Am I wrong?